Monday, July 27, 2009

Where to go next?

OK, so I am good at C# and I have created some applications in it that are reasonably decent. However, I wanted to create some cross platform stuff that was secure and could be sold for money, so, I decided that C++ was the language I wanted to learn, so, now, I have learnt the basics of C++ and I was wondering where to go next? What should I learn? What is a good GUI tool kit that is professional (capable of building professional applications) and cross platform, that could also be used on a PDA? Finally, a bit vague, but, what should a professional application software developer know?

Where to go next?
Get stuck in to some projects! You'll know what you need to brush up on soon enough.

There's no better experience than real-world experience, trust me. I've been doing it nearly ten years now.

survey monkey

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