Monday, July 27, 2009

Java JDK Help !!!!?

-Please i need help with this for a homework,please help !!

i made this coude using JDK and Jcreator Pro here is the code :


* This program displays a message in a window.


import java.awt.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class HelloGui extends JFrame


public HelloGui () // Constructor


super("GUI Demo"); // Set the little bar

Container c = getContentPane ();


c.setLayout(new FlowLayout ());

c.add (new JTextField("Roses are red,Violets are blue,"+

"Sugar is sweet" +

" so are you" + " and so are you, and so are you...."));


public static void main(String[] args)


HelloGui windows = new HelloGui();

// Set this window's location and size:

// upper-left corner at 300, 300; width 200,height 100

windows.setBounds(700, 700, 500, 400);

windows.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);




Java JDK Help !!!!?
You already have a peom in there -- it's defined in the constructor call to JTextField. Generally, it's cleaner to do something like this:

JTextField jTextField = new JTextField();

jTextField.setText( "Roses are red, etc." );


But this will give you the same results as your code. Just put your poem text in the JTextField.

survey software

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