Hey everyone, I FINALLY got my SuSe box on the internet using NDISwrapper! Yay!! Anyway (horray for me...) since I am BRAND new to linux (I an duel booting windows XP), I was wondering if any of you could give me some tips, and tricks, or just some general advice on a decent way to learn the ins and outs of a linux box.
I'm not really new to computer hardware or software (as I major in computer programming) but there are some MORE specific questions I had...
1) I need a nice complier with a GUI...kind of easy to install...remember I'm not really sure how everything works with. Need to be able to write C++ in it.
2)I installed gaim already...any other got to have software I should know about?
3)(I am NOT sure what the package is...and I'm not quite sure to find out...yet...) But is the defualt server package on SuSe 10.1 for FTP/File Server software decent?
4)Anti-viral software recommendations? I realize it is a low risk but I do like feeling seurce...espically since I just figured o
Linux Newbie!?
You ask a lot of questions. I use a distro. It is from ubuntu.org. Pretty cool. The KDE/gnome desktop alone convinced me right away to buy new hardware and I only boot to Win when I want to make a media file.
I'm going to recommend the forums at ubuntu. All kinds of linux users besides the ubuntu check out there. You have advantages and disadvantages running SuSe. Most of your add-ons and updates are rpm whereas we are apt-debians. Debians are usually more complete. rpm on the other hand oftentime require you compile from source.
As far as IDE. Take a look at netBeans. It's mainly for Java but I did notice there are plug-ins for C++. Otherwise, linux comes with editors already built-in. I like the netBeans because it will hint for you on code completion. Good luck! I rather enjoy being WinFree. Laugh with me when those suckers upgrade to Vista -- no more pirated materials. Ha, ha, ha.
Now, if they ONLY made more software for the 64-bit machines. sigh.....
Reply:glad I pass by this way tonite your in luck to say the least, where r u from?
there are many suse linux places to get the info you need, and let me tell you a bit of bad news first. your about to lose your dual boot system I haave installed Suse and windows on several systems and lost either suse or XP.
if you had xp on first then your ok you won't lose xp but you will lose suse. and if suse was on first you will lose windows sorry to say
now you can go on to Novell.com and register and become a member, get on the user groups blogs
check out the cool sulutions you will be told how to get round the dual boot system.
there are several compilers within the 5 CD's u have got so don't run before you can walk,
did you buy the system with suse on it or did you buy suse and install it?
get back with me I can guide you to the right places when it comes to suse
Reply:Switch users:
use the "su - {UserName to Switch To}"
I run slackware 11 and it is proftpd
but try "apropos ftpd"
Apropos is a search of executables in linux. It searches the command and the Description
then take the command and enter "man {command}". That will open the "man pages" for that command. when you want to exit hit "q"
don't waste your time!
Any other software:
I like apache, partially because I do a lot with web programming (i.e. PHP/MySQL)
You didn't ask it but try "pico" instead of "vi" for text editing
You would know it but I learned all of this in the past two weeks, as I installed it 2 weeks ago
Reply:A piece of general advice that I'd offer is this - learn to use bash. There's so much more you can do by typing than there is by clicking! ;) Also, it'll pay to learn to use vi or vim or emacs - a lot of the time you'll be needing to edit things from the console without a GUI - at those times a knowledge of one of these text editors will be very useful.
I've been using QtDesigner a bit recently - it's got a real nice feel to it, a pretty decent C++ editor by all accounts :)
online survey
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Outputting a result in the same box as the input?
I'm having difficulties with my celsius/fahrenheit converter in Java.. I need to output the result in either the celsius box or the fahrenheit box, whichever one they didn't put a number in...
the code is pretty long.. and it wont let me paste the whole code.. basically i'm using JFrames, a GUI and here's the part i think i'm having difficulty with...
private void calculate( char operator ) {
double Cel = (Double.parseDouble(jtfCel.getText().tri...
double Far = (Double.parseDouble(jtfFar.getText().tri...
double Celsius = 0;
double Fahrenheit = 0;
switch ( operator ) {
case 'C': Celsius = ((Far - 32)*(5/9));
case 'F': Fahrenheit = ((9/5)*Cel+32);
case 'L': Cel = 0; Far = 0;
//set result in the textfields...
OH also, how do u clear a textfield in Java?
Outputting a result in the same box as the input?
//set result in the textfields...
Only execute one of them, based on operator. The other one has the number the user entered, so you don't have to write it.
To clear a text field, set it to '' (two single quotes, no space between them).
Reply:Set two string variables to ""
Set the value of each for each text box
check if the variables are not equal to ""
If they are equal, then populate the other box.
Set the box that is not equal to a string value of that is ""
the code is pretty long.. and it wont let me paste the whole code.. basically i'm using JFrames, a GUI and here's the part i think i'm having difficulty with...
private void calculate( char operator ) {
double Cel = (Double.parseDouble(jtfCel.getText().tri...
double Far = (Double.parseDouble(jtfFar.getText().tri...
double Celsius = 0;
double Fahrenheit = 0;
switch ( operator ) {
case 'C': Celsius = ((Far - 32)*(5/9));
case 'F': Fahrenheit = ((9/5)*Cel+32);
case 'L': Cel = 0; Far = 0;
//set result in the textfields...
OH also, how do u clear a textfield in Java?
Outputting a result in the same box as the input?
//set result in the textfields...
Only execute one of them, based on operator. The other one has the number the user entered, so you don't have to write it.
To clear a text field, set it to '' (two single quotes, no space between them).
Reply:Set two string variables to ""
Set the value of each for each text box
check if the variables are not equal to ""
If they are equal, then populate the other box.
Set the box that is not equal to a string value of that is ""
Best language for web-bot/spider?
I want to make a program that accepts a search string via a GUI. Then queries a handful of predetermined search engines and displays their results, if there were any. Im familiar with C++ but unsure if its appropriate for this type of program. What language should I use? Any tips?
Best language for web-bot/spider?
I would use C# (or managed c++) they have a large amount of libraries in the system.net namespace that would make this task pretty trivial.
Best language for web-bot/spider?
I would use C# (or managed c++) they have a large amount of libraries in the system.net namespace that would make this task pretty trivial.
What is the best way to get started learning a computer language?
- Python looks popular, but I keep hearing
" go with c++, dude, you'll get more out of it"
of course, there's also Java, PHP, and others...
- just need to get started - currently know html/css... any
"transition language" out there?
any ideas?
my goal would be to make a simple program *gui - with buttons opening up various programs -
eg: a shortcut program (hopefully nice looking aswell) :D
-well, that's my goal :) any help would be appriciated!
(oh yeah, and my question is still - how do I get started learning a programming language - to accomplish my goal? )
What is the best way to get started learning a computer language?
Congrats on wanting to get started in the field!
First of all, the "best" way is hard to define! "Best" for you might be "fastest to 'Hello World!'". Or "Best" might mean "learning the best programming practices in use today". As someone who does this for a living let me give you my shot at it.
First, C++ is a great language but not a good "learning language". Especially since you are a web guy... you are used to seeing things on the screen pretty quickly.
Now if you want to leverage where you are at right now and jump into some code quickly, you can start writing PHP and JavaScript with the tools you have already. PHP 5 is a pretty good language for learning. It's a forgiving language in that it is not strongly typed but it is also pretty powerful and you can even do some object oriented stuff in it.
If you are determined to do a desktop program and learn that way, I would recommend either Java or C#. Both of those languages will get you to a GUI faster than Python or C++ will. There are several good IDE's for Java out there that are OpenSource and MS has the "express" versions of their Visual Studio IDE's available.
I would recommend staying away from Visual Basic unless you want to write ASP.NET pages in Visual Basic. For some reason that field is still pretty active but other than that, VB is a dying language. If you learn it on a desktop you will spend the next couple of years unlearning eveything you learned in VB ;)
My gut feeling is that you would be better off with C#... it's a very solid language and typically the Visual Studio IDE's make creating GUI's very intuitive. If you are a hard core MS hater than grab NetBean, Eclipse or another Java IDE and write a Java Swing app... it'll get you there pretty fast.
Now... how do you get started? Again.. a lot depends on YOU. If you can read a book and learn that way then go to Amazon.com and order a good programming book. What kind of book? Depends on how you learn. Language reference books tend to give you the details of the language but are very light on how to use it. Other "how to" books tend to range from "press this button and then click here" to "Open the IDE and create a project". I recommend reading some reviews of the books on Amazon before buying anything... they will tell you a lot about what kind of book it is and you can judge what kind of book you prefer.
Obviously there are a ton of resources on the web so don't neglect Google. And if you want to spend some time in a classroom check out a local community college. Sometimes they offer programming courses pretty cheap and you can get your feet wet pretty quickly. You won't learn a lot past beginner stuff in a class room but it might be the best way for you to get started!
Hope this helps... feel free to email me if you want more specifics on resources on the web.
Reply:Well for GUI applications Languages like Java,Visual Basic
do very well.But JAva is relatively tougher.
So VB can be chossen if U hav no programmin background
But if U need to make web designs,then U can go for HTML,its very easy.
So just go for any one..
Reply:1st, as you already know, you gotta pick a language. And that completely depends on what you want to use it for, and for what platform (Mac, Linux, Windows). While any of those languages can drive websites, most people think of PHP, Ruby, and Java (specifically JSP) as "web languages." There's also the problem with libraries, like for drawing widgets (buttons, windows, etc). Each operating system has its own preference and/or bundled libraries (GTK/Qt if on Linux, Forms for Windows, etc). Therefore, there's not only learning the syntax of a language, but also what you can access and do with that language. .NET (Dot Net) tries to solve this by allowing many languages (especially C#) easy access to a large, mature set of libraries.
However, if this is your first [programming] language, the difference between a language's syntax, core functions, bundled and 3rd party libraries shouldn't be of interest (yet). In that light, I, with the rest of many universities, would recommend Java. There are many many many resources (on the web, free and in paper, not free) to aid in the mundane to the complex.
Python is great, and so is Ruby. PHP can also be in the ring. However, they are generally used by universities to teach theory (algorithmic design, OO, etc), leading up to software development. I'm assuming you, on the other hand, would prefer to dive right into building applications. Think of it almost like learning to play piano - you can either start learning really cool, popular songs that dont require much skill, and build up, or you can spend a long time learning and mastering technique so that you can eventually play Liszt (or whatever). I'm not saying by learning Java first you will never be able to be a professional software engineer (not at all) - just that it's usually best to be patient and learn the theory first (which python, et al are better for than Java). And that's because you'll have to later unlearn bad habits.
C++ and C are not good options as first languages. C#, however, might be, but I don't know it (yet) so I can't comment. They say it's very similar to C++ and Java (powerful like C++ but as easy as Java). Yes, C++ will get you far, if that's what your career's going to be, but it's not a good option for a first language.
Java is your best bet, I think. You might want to start with this free tutorial site (from Sun, the creators of Java): http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ . It's pretty good, and there's the Java API, which is my bible (when doing Java).
It's all about using the best tool for the job, and Java is a pretty good multi-use tool. But, more importantly, you'll get cool results sooner with Java (instant gratification), which will make you more confident and make programming more fun. And once you're having fun and learning alot, you can move on to the other languages. It gets easier each language you learn.
Reply:I'd actually start with HTML as it is easy and simple to learn, and can be used for many things other than making a website.
It will familiarize yourself with syntax, simple mistakes such as forgetting a symbol. Also it will help you make your own style of writing code; such as using spaces for better organization.
After learning HTML I would go with any of the C+ languages.
Getting a book on Amazon.com will teach you a lot about HTML, but HTML coding is so popular you could probably get by with just tutorials on the web.
Reply:I would reccommend a server side web programming language such as c#.net or vb.net (under the auspices of asp.net), or php. Any of those 3 will get you headed in the right direction, and they will offer some farmiliaraity since they're half html %26amp; half programming. Getting an educational copy of visual studio 2005 is the easiest way to go, since it contains its own webserver. You write your code %26amp; you don't have to get confused by setting up the server %26amp; all that crap. You just push f5 on the keyboard %26amp; it starts a server, loads your project on it, and opens your web browser to what you've made.
My favorite starters book for programming is vb.net the complete reference by osbourne publishing. You should be able to find copies of it on ebay or amazon for $3.
Stay away from old languages, and dying languages. c++ had its time, but its only good for hardware programming. Its not exactly the easiest language to learn either. Java isn't terrible (and its a fine learning language with many excelent free online tutorials), but its losing market share very fast to other languages. Its only holding on because its free. I'd rather work with something that's good %26amp; costs a few bucks than something that's free %26amp; crappy any day.
As a final thingy... Check out www.asp.net They have a lot of resources on the whys and the hows. They have tutorials, videos, and a free development environment. If you need in depth programming help... there's always www.msdn.com for the docs.
i also enjoy the videos at learnvisualstudio.net (pay site).
If you want to see a programmer in action, check out www.dnrtv.com They have a lot of sessions where you can see them noodling in code %26amp; explaining what they're doing as they're doing it (free)
Reply:Ask An Expart And Get professional help
Reply:I would say try learning Visual Basic. It's just a start to get the basic concepts and get an understanding of programing. It's easy %26amp; can be fun to start with. Making drawing programs and the like. From there you can link them to access databases to create fun calculation GUIs.
- Python looks popular, but I keep hearing
" go with c++, dude, you'll get more out of it"
of course, there's also Java, PHP, and others...
- just need to get started - currently know html/css... any
"transition language" out there?
any ideas?
my goal would be to make a simple program *gui - with buttons opening up various programs -
eg: a shortcut program (hopefully nice looking aswell) :D
-well, that's my goal :) any help would be appriciated!
(oh yeah, and my question is still - how do I get started learning a programming language - to accomplish my goal? )
What is the best way to get started learning a computer language?
Congrats on wanting to get started in the field!
First of all, the "best" way is hard to define! "Best" for you might be "fastest to 'Hello World!'". Or "Best" might mean "learning the best programming practices in use today". As someone who does this for a living let me give you my shot at it.
First, C++ is a great language but not a good "learning language". Especially since you are a web guy... you are used to seeing things on the screen pretty quickly.
Now if you want to leverage where you are at right now and jump into some code quickly, you can start writing PHP and JavaScript with the tools you have already. PHP 5 is a pretty good language for learning. It's a forgiving language in that it is not strongly typed but it is also pretty powerful and you can even do some object oriented stuff in it.
If you are determined to do a desktop program and learn that way, I would recommend either Java or C#. Both of those languages will get you to a GUI faster than Python or C++ will. There are several good IDE's for Java out there that are OpenSource and MS has the "express" versions of their Visual Studio IDE's available.
I would recommend staying away from Visual Basic unless you want to write ASP.NET pages in Visual Basic. For some reason that field is still pretty active but other than that, VB is a dying language. If you learn it on a desktop you will spend the next couple of years unlearning eveything you learned in VB ;)
My gut feeling is that you would be better off with C#... it's a very solid language and typically the Visual Studio IDE's make creating GUI's very intuitive. If you are a hard core MS hater than grab NetBean, Eclipse or another Java IDE and write a Java Swing app... it'll get you there pretty fast.
Now... how do you get started? Again.. a lot depends on YOU. If you can read a book and learn that way then go to Amazon.com and order a good programming book. What kind of book? Depends on how you learn. Language reference books tend to give you the details of the language but are very light on how to use it. Other "how to" books tend to range from "press this button and then click here" to "Open the IDE and create a project". I recommend reading some reviews of the books on Amazon before buying anything... they will tell you a lot about what kind of book it is and you can judge what kind of book you prefer.
Obviously there are a ton of resources on the web so don't neglect Google. And if you want to spend some time in a classroom check out a local community college. Sometimes they offer programming courses pretty cheap and you can get your feet wet pretty quickly. You won't learn a lot past beginner stuff in a class room but it might be the best way for you to get started!
Hope this helps... feel free to email me if you want more specifics on resources on the web.
Reply:Well for GUI applications Languages like Java,Visual Basic
do very well.But JAva is relatively tougher.
So VB can be chossen if U hav no programmin background
But if U need to make web designs,then U can go for HTML,its very easy.
So just go for any one..
Reply:1st, as you already know, you gotta pick a language. And that completely depends on what you want to use it for, and for what platform (Mac, Linux, Windows). While any of those languages can drive websites, most people think of PHP, Ruby, and Java (specifically JSP) as "web languages." There's also the problem with libraries, like for drawing widgets (buttons, windows, etc). Each operating system has its own preference and/or bundled libraries (GTK/Qt if on Linux, Forms for Windows, etc). Therefore, there's not only learning the syntax of a language, but also what you can access and do with that language. .NET (Dot Net) tries to solve this by allowing many languages (especially C#) easy access to a large, mature set of libraries.
However, if this is your first [programming] language, the difference between a language's syntax, core functions, bundled and 3rd party libraries shouldn't be of interest (yet). In that light, I, with the rest of many universities, would recommend Java. There are many many many resources (on the web, free and in paper, not free) to aid in the mundane to the complex.
Python is great, and so is Ruby. PHP can also be in the ring. However, they are generally used by universities to teach theory (algorithmic design, OO, etc), leading up to software development. I'm assuming you, on the other hand, would prefer to dive right into building applications. Think of it almost like learning to play piano - you can either start learning really cool, popular songs that dont require much skill, and build up, or you can spend a long time learning and mastering technique so that you can eventually play Liszt (or whatever). I'm not saying by learning Java first you will never be able to be a professional software engineer (not at all) - just that it's usually best to be patient and learn the theory first (which python, et al are better for than Java). And that's because you'll have to later unlearn bad habits.
C++ and C are not good options as first languages. C#, however, might be, but I don't know it (yet) so I can't comment. They say it's very similar to C++ and Java (powerful like C++ but as easy as Java). Yes, C++ will get you far, if that's what your career's going to be, but it's not a good option for a first language.
Java is your best bet, I think. You might want to start with this free tutorial site (from Sun, the creators of Java): http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/ . It's pretty good, and there's the Java API, which is my bible (when doing Java).
It's all about using the best tool for the job, and Java is a pretty good multi-use tool. But, more importantly, you'll get cool results sooner with Java (instant gratification), which will make you more confident and make programming more fun. And once you're having fun and learning alot, you can move on to the other languages. It gets easier each language you learn.
Reply:I'd actually start with HTML as it is easy and simple to learn, and can be used for many things other than making a website.
It will familiarize yourself with syntax, simple mistakes such as forgetting a symbol. Also it will help you make your own style of writing code; such as using spaces for better organization.
After learning HTML I would go with any of the C+ languages.
Getting a book on Amazon.com will teach you a lot about HTML, but HTML coding is so popular you could probably get by with just tutorials on the web.
Reply:I would reccommend a server side web programming language such as c#.net or vb.net (under the auspices of asp.net), or php. Any of those 3 will get you headed in the right direction, and they will offer some farmiliaraity since they're half html %26amp; half programming. Getting an educational copy of visual studio 2005 is the easiest way to go, since it contains its own webserver. You write your code %26amp; you don't have to get confused by setting up the server %26amp; all that crap. You just push f5 on the keyboard %26amp; it starts a server, loads your project on it, and opens your web browser to what you've made.
My favorite starters book for programming is vb.net the complete reference by osbourne publishing. You should be able to find copies of it on ebay or amazon for $3.
Stay away from old languages, and dying languages. c++ had its time, but its only good for hardware programming. Its not exactly the easiest language to learn either. Java isn't terrible (and its a fine learning language with many excelent free online tutorials), but its losing market share very fast to other languages. Its only holding on because its free. I'd rather work with something that's good %26amp; costs a few bucks than something that's free %26amp; crappy any day.
As a final thingy... Check out www.asp.net They have a lot of resources on the whys and the hows. They have tutorials, videos, and a free development environment. If you need in depth programming help... there's always www.msdn.com for the docs.
i also enjoy the videos at learnvisualstudio.net (pay site).
If you want to see a programmer in action, check out www.dnrtv.com They have a lot of sessions where you can see them noodling in code %26amp; explaining what they're doing as they're doing it (free)
Reply:Ask An Expart And Get professional help
Reply:I would say try learning Visual Basic. It's just a start to get the basic concepts and get an understanding of programing. It's easy %26amp; can be fun to start with. Making drawing programs and the like. From there you can link them to access databases to create fun calculation GUIs.
Cell phone wireless Cards?
Has anyone ever used one of these? Do they allow all the ports to operate ie...ftp, http, pop3 e.t.c I am thinking of getting one but i don't want to be stuck using some sort of a gui to access the intneret and only see webpages...want to use those along with yahoo messenger/aim
Cell phone wireless Cards?
National Access is awful. It is MUCH slower than dial-up and usually doesn’t work at all. However it does work just like a regular internet connection, only badly.
Reply:you could try verizon broadband internet access. broadband access speeds in broadband areas. national access speeds in national access areas. you buy the pc card. sign a contract. slip it in your laptop. and start surfing the web at least 10 time faster than dial-up. i think avg cost is $59-$79 a month. unlimited access.
salary survey
Cell phone wireless Cards?
National Access is awful. It is MUCH slower than dial-up and usually doesn’t work at all. However it does work just like a regular internet connection, only badly.
Reply:you could try verizon broadband internet access. broadband access speeds in broadband areas. national access speeds in national access areas. you buy the pc card. sign a contract. slip it in your laptop. and start surfing the web at least 10 time faster than dial-up. i think avg cost is $59-$79 a month. unlimited access.
salary survey
Problem with reinstalling Windows XP?
Windows XP reinstalled after the virus crash (clean install, HD partitioned, reformatted). XP Media installed on the D drive. C drive – empty, formatted as FAT32. D drive formatted as NTFS. Install prompt asked for the SP2 files but it couldn’t retrieve them from the CD -installed afterwards through the windows GUI. Computer booted to Windows with the delay but recognized boot from the disk. Windows seemed to behave normally. Problem occurred when installing drivers. Windows showed prompt “Windows installer missing”. No such file was found on the system. Also some of other files couldn’t be found, like Windows Help files...All was done without the computer being connected to the internet. Install was performed twice with the same problematic result. Computer is new (Intel CPU, a lot of memory, HD space and power). XP install disks are genuine. Is the problem connected to windows being installed on the D drive? Thank you for any help/suggestions in this matter.
Problem with reinstalling Windows XP?
Look ahead
Is your CD is totally ok? {every file readable?}
Plz dont use FAT32 File system,,,it's gone old %26amp; corrupts files %26amp; makes them unrepairable..........always use NTFS
Plz be sure to install windows in primary partition {always C} ( It's a healthy suggestion)
Why would you not like to try Kaspersky Internet Security for a while to scan your system {www.kaspersky.com}{}
'cause the problem is so strange that i can't guess any thing else than a virus...............Reformat is not the ultimate solution to viruses but an antivirus................download here
i suggest this version most suitable
Get most suitable settings here {i uploaded spedially for you}
Download Drivers from internet in case drivers CD have any reading problem {might be 'cause of CD ROM Drive not working well
Hope you will sort out the problem.....Patriotism is the thing our country demands for right now..._Pakistan_....
Sorry for late reply
Reply:Sounds like you have old windows installer. The windows installer keeps updating and I guess you have an old version. You need to connect to internet windows update and then windows will correct itself.
I think no re-install is necessary and fix anything as you already tried it.
Other way of getting new windows installer is installing Visual studio/ SQL server or new version of Office.
Reply:Try repairing your OS by this way:
1. Make your CD ROM the first boot drive
2. Insert your OS in the CD ROM
3. Wait until the Windows Installation set up appears
4. Choose Repair
5. Choose the hard drive which has your OS was been installed
6. Type chkdsk -r
Wait until your OS is being repaired. You will notice that some percent keeps on repeating. Ignore that and just wait until repairing finishes.
Reply:Yes exactly! You want to install XP to C drive, the primary partition. If I were you, I would make just ONE primary partition per hard disk for starters. Later, if you want to break it up into one or more partitions, I would spend a few bucks and get Partition Magic 8.0 from Symantec, or use the free GPARTED.
Reply:If the install prompt complained about something, that's probably where your problem came from. Try reformatting and installing again. If you get the same error, you might have a bad install CD.
Problem with reinstalling Windows XP?
Look ahead
Is your CD is totally ok? {every file readable?}
Plz dont use FAT32 File system,,,it's gone old %26amp; corrupts files %26amp; makes them unrepairable..........always use NTFS
Plz be sure to install windows in primary partition {always C} ( It's a healthy suggestion)
Why would you not like to try Kaspersky Internet Security for a while to scan your system {www.kaspersky.com}{}
'cause the problem is so strange that i can't guess any thing else than a virus...............Reformat is not the ultimate solution to viruses but an antivirus................download here
i suggest this version most suitable
Get most suitable settings here {i uploaded spedially for you}
Download Drivers from internet in case drivers CD have any reading problem {might be 'cause of CD ROM Drive not working well
Hope you will sort out the problem.....Patriotism is the thing our country demands for right now..._Pakistan_....
Sorry for late reply
Reply:Sounds like you have old windows installer. The windows installer keeps updating and I guess you have an old version. You need to connect to internet windows update and then windows will correct itself.
I think no re-install is necessary and fix anything as you already tried it.
Other way of getting new windows installer is installing Visual studio/ SQL server or new version of Office.
Reply:Try repairing your OS by this way:
1. Make your CD ROM the first boot drive
2. Insert your OS in the CD ROM
3. Wait until the Windows Installation set up appears
4. Choose Repair
5. Choose the hard drive which has your OS was been installed
6. Type chkdsk -r
Wait until your OS is being repaired. You will notice that some percent keeps on repeating. Ignore that and just wait until repairing finishes.
Reply:Yes exactly! You want to install XP to C drive, the primary partition. If I were you, I would make just ONE primary partition per hard disk for starters. Later, if you want to break it up into one or more partitions, I would spend a few bucks and get Partition Magic 8.0 from Symantec, or use the free GPARTED.
Reply:If the install prompt complained about something, that's probably where your problem came from. Try reformatting and installing again. If you get the same error, you might have a bad install CD.
Does clearing your hard drive cause any physical damage to your computer?
this computer was purchased brand new by my grandfather in December of 2005. Since then the hard drive has been wiped out at least 4 times due to viruses, spyware, or simply because the computer would not even display the GUI (except in safe mode). The last time the hard drive was cleared it was simply because the computer was inspected by a technician who reccomended that the hard drive be cleared because there were literally hundreds of viruses, e.t.c. from downloaded programs, and the only way to get rid of them all was to completely clear the hd. But I am just worried because I keep clearing it. Does clearing it cause any damage that may eventually cause you to have to replace it? And is there a limit to how many times you can clear the hard drive? I just really want to know if it is okay to keep clearing it. Because I don't want to keep doing it if it is causing damage.
Also, does having viruses/spyware cause damage to your hd? And if so does clearing your hd erase this damage?
Does clearing your hard drive cause any physical damage to your computer?
No it won't cause physical damage. But what a monumental waste of time. Use and antivirus program and a firewall and you won't have those problems.
Reply:as far as i know. it doesn't, but i've been advised to never do it too often.
as a matter of fact, i try to not do the whole
recomplie thing. whats the technical term? u see a bunch of small colored squares being arranged around.
i hear that kinda screws up your system everytime u do it.
Reply:inspected by a technician who reccomended that the hard drive be cleared because there were literally hundreds of viruses, e.t.c.is ,%26amp; do you pay this technician for the work , hmmmmmmmmmm listen if you had 1000 virus on the pc you dont have to format it you use the best anti virus to make sure your pc never see a virus again , i think this technician is taking you on a road trip for your cash
get the best anti virus and your never see a virus again if you set this up right , dont have that junk norton/mcafee/avg panda they cant stop a cat
save your self cash
zoneAlarm internet security suite,block email junk. %26amp; add email address to the block list,when you add a email address to the blocked list that email address can't email you anymore ,
personalize your on email blocked message ,put in a name :that you want them to see example:blockjunk@block.com,
zoneAlarm internet security suite,block email junk. %26amp; add email address to the block list,when you add a email address to the blocked list that email address can't email you anymore ,
set an personalize , blocked message
example: hi im really sorry i want to get your email so please take time to answer this question,i will reply when i know who you are,
im sorry i have to do this but i get over 50 spam messages per day,my email block junk is set to on,try zoneAlarm internet security suite
it does what it say's take the test with
zoneAlarm internet security suite
all in one firewall/anti virus/anti spyware
Reply:No. Clearing your hard drive doesn't do any physical damage whatsoever. Neither do viruses, they just cause problems with data, not the physical hard drive. I suggest you get antivirus software (you can find free ones at downloads.com) and backup all of your important files. Once you do get antivirus/spyware software, run scans every week or so.
Reply:The HD is magnetic storage which means that every time you write on it the media gets more worn. This is why it isn't recommended to format the whole HD often and in my opinion 4 times it a year is often. If you can't help it than do it again but the life expect ency of your HD will decrease if you continue at this rate.
The best way is prevention: always have an antivirus program running and I recommend a firewall as well.
A spyware program is also a must in my view. Since this type of program changes the registry there is a minuscule chance that it might cause problems the operation system or other programs but I have never encountered such a problem. Look at it this way: without one you WILL have damaging addaware, with it there is a tiny chance that you MIGHT have to reinstall a program. I know which one I prefer.
Reply:First, does it harm your computer to completely erase and reinstall windows. NO. The hard drive can handle it.
My question is how is your computer getting so infected. If the version of windows xp that your are installing does not come with service pack 2 then your computer will get infected as soon as you connect to the internet. The necessary fixes in service pack 2 need to be in place before you connect to the internet. So when you get ready to do a clean install (if your windows cd doesn't have sp2) download the sp2 install file and burn it to a cd and run the install file as soon as you finish installing windows xp.
Reply:first things first. If you are using internet, use an antivirus, U cant ignore it. Antiviruses wont damage ur PC.
Get used to the fact that you will have to replace your hard disc some time down the line
Formatting does no harm to hard disk unless it is done too frequently.Like 3 times a day.
You should actually format your disk once a month if possible.
Reply:you really don't have a clue, do you?
4 times in 9 months?
literally hundreds??
ever heard of an anti-virus program? a little common sense?
Reply:Leme Guess.. It's an E-Machine %26lt;*%26gt;%26gt;%26lt;*%26gt;
If so, You'e not alone. As nearly 80% of then are grosly misconfigured from the factory.
Plysically : No it Can't Damage it (Asuming you aren't attempting to Low Level format it)
However as with ANY Machanical device, The Boot sectors of a Hard drive take a heck of a beating. and Eventually develop Read/Write errors. Once The Boot sectors on the drive get worn out, The drive is shot. (Which is the main logic behind Leaving your computer on all the time) As the boot records are only accessed Normally durring power up.
Reply:To clean your hard drive and eliminate data issues.
There are only two conditional states for computer hardware, one of which is the hard drive.
State 1: It is physically broke, broke as in a egg fell on the floor.
The egg is broke, item cannot be repaired, you must buy a new one.
State 2, software issues. THIS CAN ALEWAYS BR FIXED!
To fix your hard drive.
You must delete all partitions, create new partitions, format the partitions in NTFS.
At this point, there will not be any virus, mal ware, data, programs, what ever, on your hard drive. IOf you have other drives, you must repeate above procedure on every drive in your system.
Copy the following and use them.
Computer Help Page
•Chapter 1: Purchasing Components
•Chapter 2: Component Overview
•Chapter 3: Installing the CPU, Heatsink, and RAM On The Mainboard
•Chapter 4: Installing The Mainboard In The Case
•Chapter 5: Installing Drives
•Chapter 6: Connecting Components
•Chapter 7: Installing AGP and PCI Cards
•Chapter 8: Testing the System and Completing Assembly
•Chapter 9: Installing Windows XP
•Chapter 10: Configuring Windows XP
•Chapter 11: Installing A Dual Boot Operating System (Linux And Windows XP)
•Chapter 12: Home Video -- “So, You Want to Be the Next Steven Spielberg?”
•Chapter 13: What’s Next?
Reply:Clearing the hard drive is no more damaging to the hard drive than using the hard drive. Don't worry about it, it won't affect the longevity of the drive.
Also, does having viruses/spyware cause damage to your hd? And if so does clearing your hd erase this damage?
Does clearing your hard drive cause any physical damage to your computer?
No it won't cause physical damage. But what a monumental waste of time. Use and antivirus program and a firewall and you won't have those problems.
Reply:as far as i know. it doesn't, but i've been advised to never do it too often.
as a matter of fact, i try to not do the whole
recomplie thing. whats the technical term? u see a bunch of small colored squares being arranged around.
i hear that kinda screws up your system everytime u do it.
Reply:inspected by a technician who reccomended that the hard drive be cleared because there were literally hundreds of viruses, e.t.c.is ,%26amp; do you pay this technician for the work , hmmmmmmmmmm listen if you had 1000 virus on the pc you dont have to format it you use the best anti virus to make sure your pc never see a virus again , i think this technician is taking you on a road trip for your cash
get the best anti virus and your never see a virus again if you set this up right , dont have that junk norton/mcafee/avg panda they cant stop a cat
save your self cash
zoneAlarm internet security suite,block email junk. %26amp; add email address to the block list,when you add a email address to the blocked list that email address can't email you anymore ,
personalize your on email blocked message ,put in a name :that you want them to see example:blockjunk@block.com,
zoneAlarm internet security suite,block email junk. %26amp; add email address to the block list,when you add a email address to the blocked list that email address can't email you anymore ,
set an personalize , blocked message
example: hi im really sorry i want to get your email so please take time to answer this question,i will reply when i know who you are,
im sorry i have to do this but i get over 50 spam messages per day,my email block junk is set to on,try zoneAlarm internet security suite
it does what it say's take the test with
zoneAlarm internet security suite
all in one firewall/anti virus/anti spyware
Reply:No. Clearing your hard drive doesn't do any physical damage whatsoever. Neither do viruses, they just cause problems with data, not the physical hard drive. I suggest you get antivirus software (you can find free ones at downloads.com) and backup all of your important files. Once you do get antivirus/spyware software, run scans every week or so.
Reply:The HD is magnetic storage which means that every time you write on it the media gets more worn. This is why it isn't recommended to format the whole HD often and in my opinion 4 times it a year is often. If you can't help it than do it again but the life expect ency of your HD will decrease if you continue at this rate.
The best way is prevention: always have an antivirus program running and I recommend a firewall as well.
A spyware program is also a must in my view. Since this type of program changes the registry there is a minuscule chance that it might cause problems the operation system or other programs but I have never encountered such a problem. Look at it this way: without one you WILL have damaging addaware, with it there is a tiny chance that you MIGHT have to reinstall a program. I know which one I prefer.
Reply:First, does it harm your computer to completely erase and reinstall windows. NO. The hard drive can handle it.
My question is how is your computer getting so infected. If the version of windows xp that your are installing does not come with service pack 2 then your computer will get infected as soon as you connect to the internet. The necessary fixes in service pack 2 need to be in place before you connect to the internet. So when you get ready to do a clean install (if your windows cd doesn't have sp2) download the sp2 install file and burn it to a cd and run the install file as soon as you finish installing windows xp.
Reply:first things first. If you are using internet, use an antivirus, U cant ignore it. Antiviruses wont damage ur PC.
Get used to the fact that you will have to replace your hard disc some time down the line
Formatting does no harm to hard disk unless it is done too frequently.Like 3 times a day.
You should actually format your disk once a month if possible.
Reply:you really don't have a clue, do you?
4 times in 9 months?
literally hundreds??
ever heard of an anti-virus program? a little common sense?
Reply:Leme Guess.. It's an E-Machine %26lt;*%26gt;%26gt;%26lt;*%26gt;
If so, You'e not alone. As nearly 80% of then are grosly misconfigured from the factory.
Plysically : No it Can't Damage it (Asuming you aren't attempting to Low Level format it)
However as with ANY Machanical device, The Boot sectors of a Hard drive take a heck of a beating. and Eventually develop Read/Write errors. Once The Boot sectors on the drive get worn out, The drive is shot. (Which is the main logic behind Leaving your computer on all the time) As the boot records are only accessed Normally durring power up.
Reply:To clean your hard drive and eliminate data issues.
There are only two conditional states for computer hardware, one of which is the hard drive.
State 1: It is physically broke, broke as in a egg fell on the floor.
The egg is broke, item cannot be repaired, you must buy a new one.
State 2, software issues. THIS CAN ALEWAYS BR FIXED!
To fix your hard drive.
You must delete all partitions, create new partitions, format the partitions in NTFS.
At this point, there will not be any virus, mal ware, data, programs, what ever, on your hard drive. IOf you have other drives, you must repeate above procedure on every drive in your system.
Copy the following and use them.
Computer Help Page
•Chapter 1: Purchasing Components
•Chapter 2: Component Overview
•Chapter 3: Installing the CPU, Heatsink, and RAM On The Mainboard
•Chapter 4: Installing The Mainboard In The Case
•Chapter 5: Installing Drives
•Chapter 6: Connecting Components
•Chapter 7: Installing AGP and PCI Cards
•Chapter 8: Testing the System and Completing Assembly
•Chapter 9: Installing Windows XP
•Chapter 10: Configuring Windows XP
•Chapter 11: Installing A Dual Boot Operating System (Linux And Windows XP)
•Chapter 12: Home Video -- “So, You Want to Be the Next Steven Spielberg?”
•Chapter 13: What’s Next?
Reply:Clearing the hard drive is no more damaging to the hard drive than using the hard drive. Don't worry about it, it won't affect the longevity of the drive.
How do you make install packages for linux programs you make?
I know absolutely nothing about linux application development, and am a C++ programmer. What I mean is that I'm not familiar with linux's API nor how to create deployment packages.
Do the packages have to be unique for every flavour of linux?
Once I compile an application, what am I supposed to do next. What if it has a GUI, not using wxWidgets (as well as using wxWidgets)
I've tried googling with not much success.
How do you make install packages for linux programs you make?
Usually the formats for source code that is distro free are either compressed on bzip2 or tar.gz files. You may need filters capable of converting to these type of files in order to get the source code packed. Also you need to make a "configure" and "make" script (one of each) in order to get the software installed on the system in order to run it.
Hope this info gives you some ideas.
Do the packages have to be unique for every flavour of linux?
Once I compile an application, what am I supposed to do next. What if it has a GUI, not using wxWidgets (as well as using wxWidgets)
I've tried googling with not much success.
How do you make install packages for linux programs you make?
Usually the formats for source code that is distro free are either compressed on bzip2 or tar.gz files. You may need filters capable of converting to these type of files in order to get the source code packed. Also you need to make a "configure" and "make" script (one of each) in order to get the software installed on the system in order to run it.
Hope this info gives you some ideas.
Just how possible is it to make a command line hex editor for Linux?
I am very curious as to experimenting with these programs, and I have downloaded a graphical one named KHexEdit. I am using a Linux computer and am wondering as to how one could be made to work in the terminal. For example, I am just looking for the basic program without any GUI so I can learn how to make one. If anyone has any help on how to make one, please explain. I would also appreciate it if you could explain how to program one in C, if you can tell me. Otherwise, any way to make one is fine.
Just how possible is it to make a command line hex editor for Linux?
Why would you want to make something that already exist?
Reply:If you are a skilled enough programmer, probably not too hard. If you don't know file structures, you don't know programming, and you don't know how to use google to find such information - lotsa luck! You will need it!
Just how possible is it to make a command line hex editor for Linux?
Why would you want to make something that already exist?
Reply:If you are a skilled enough programmer, probably not too hard. If you don't know file structures, you don't know programming, and you don't know how to use google to find such information - lotsa luck! You will need it!
Is it possible to make & sell games using Visual Basic 6.0?
If this is the only language I'm self educated enough to learn, and use, as far as programming as a beginner with having ADD/ADHD and difficulty learning at a comprehention level, would I be able to still come up with a game I could possibly sell on ebay or such...examples of the like would be already made games, that I think I could possibly try and program like, "Siege of Avalon" or "Betrayal in Antara" that have interactive charecters, with little animation except for battle encounters, and moving etc. The "C" Language is totaly difficult for me to even begin to comprehend, even reading the book that teaches it, I can't even understand what the books even talking about, I'm not at all familiar with terms like, "API" or "pixel shading" or "GUI", and I'm still trying to grasp the concept of how to call variables in subroutines using VB.6.0 along with other forms of animation, and how to make, "movement of bitmap images" with self drawn house doors, people, etc. with a 3D rendering?
Is it possible to make %26amp; sell games using Visual Basic 6.0?
Yes, it's possible. But DON'T DO IT.
Learn Python and Pygame instead. The Python language is easy to learn and it works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. So that means your Mac-using friends can play your game too, yay!
Pygame is a library for Python that helps you out when making games. It has collision-detection, sprites, etc. There are some good tutorials, but you really need to learn the language Python first.
The advantage of using Python and Pygame is that you can type in commands at a Python "command-line" and it'll show you the result. For example, enter "2 + 3" and it'll print out "5". So if you're testing something, you have instant results.
Reply:You can surely make games but for selling you need to be in touch with someone else or have your own website.
Reply:If you know visual basic, then you might want to try and create web based games using asp.net
You can still use visual basic programming in asp.net.
The reason I bring this point out is that Microsoft has developed something called silverlight. You can develop in silverlight using visual basic.
In fact, I was at a Microsoft event last night and watched a VB program that utilized silverlight to create a webpage that supported video editing on the web. (It was under 3000 lines of code)
Reply:You probably could make games in VB6. I don't know if anybody would buy a game (that somebody programed) from ebay. You more would have to do some shareware type things. (but I would probably try to do a couple of freeware games just to get feedback).
But with todays games, I don't think you would be able to go very far with VB, or even VB.net (which is more powerful). Except for basic games, that people probably expect to be free. But you can always try for the fun of it!
Reply:C is pretty low level and while a lot of people start with it, I wouldn't. Vb is good but you may want to start smaller and make something like a text game first. Then you could add in the animation later if you wanted.
Also might want to check out java or flash which seems to be the two most common web game languages. The flash games tend to be stupid and simple but fun. Java is a powerful language bug I'm still not sure if its good for games. I don't know vb so maybe it's perfect I'm not sure.
Is it possible to make %26amp; sell games using Visual Basic 6.0?
Yes, it's possible. But DON'T DO IT.
Learn Python and Pygame instead. The Python language is easy to learn and it works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. So that means your Mac-using friends can play your game too, yay!
Pygame is a library for Python that helps you out when making games. It has collision-detection, sprites, etc. There are some good tutorials, but you really need to learn the language Python first.
The advantage of using Python and Pygame is that you can type in commands at a Python "command-line" and it'll show you the result. For example, enter "2 + 3" and it'll print out "5". So if you're testing something, you have instant results.
Reply:You can surely make games but for selling you need to be in touch with someone else or have your own website.
Reply:If you know visual basic, then you might want to try and create web based games using asp.net
You can still use visual basic programming in asp.net.
The reason I bring this point out is that Microsoft has developed something called silverlight. You can develop in silverlight using visual basic.
In fact, I was at a Microsoft event last night and watched a VB program that utilized silverlight to create a webpage that supported video editing on the web. (It was under 3000 lines of code)
Reply:You probably could make games in VB6. I don't know if anybody would buy a game (that somebody programed) from ebay. You more would have to do some shareware type things. (but I would probably try to do a couple of freeware games just to get feedback).
But with todays games, I don't think you would be able to go very far with VB, or even VB.net (which is more powerful). Except for basic games, that people probably expect to be free. But you can always try for the fun of it!
Reply:C is pretty low level and while a lot of people start with it, I wouldn't. Vb is good but you may want to start smaller and make something like a text game first. Then you could add in the animation later if you wanted.
Also might want to check out java or flash which seems to be the two most common web game languages. The flash games tend to be stupid and simple but fun. Java is a powerful language bug I'm still not sure if its good for games. I don't know vb so maybe it's perfect I'm not sure.
JAVA Review - Terminology?
I have a practice test, but no answer sheet. Help?
(a) When writing a class that inherits from another, this reserved word is used on the class header before the superclass's name.
(b) When writing a class that satisfies an interface, this reserved word is used on the class header before the name of the interface.
(c) There might be several methods with the same name within a class, with each having a different signature. This is an example of what?
(d) This type of java program is designed to run from a web page.
(e) This is the name of the default layout manager for a JPanel.
(f) Interfaces can have method headers in them and what else?
(g) Write a single line of code that would declare and create an array (called scores) for 20 ints.
(h) Class Fields (as opposed to instance fields) are labeled with what reserved word when they are declared?
(i) What class has the method showInputDialog?
(j) Which package should be imported if using JButtons, JPanels, etc in a GUI?
JAVA Review - Terminology?
(a) extends
(b) implements
(c) overloading
(d) applet
(e) FlowLayout
(f) class fields
(g) int[] scores = new int[20];
(h) static
(i) JOptionPane
(j) javax.swing
Reply:Go ahead and do the practice test. Post your answers and we will let you know if you are wrong. You can do it...
Good Luck
Reply:do your own assignment
Reply:Well you should probably ask your teacher, because from experience they will sometimes have small caveats that will screw up your answers and you'll say "well that's what the book says! and everyone on Y!A!" and your teacher will just look at you and say "but that's not what **I** said"
land survey
(a) When writing a class that inherits from another, this reserved word is used on the class header before the superclass's name.
(b) When writing a class that satisfies an interface, this reserved word is used on the class header before the name of the interface.
(c) There might be several methods with the same name within a class, with each having a different signature. This is an example of what?
(d) This type of java program is designed to run from a web page.
(e) This is the name of the default layout manager for a JPanel.
(f) Interfaces can have method headers in them and what else?
(g) Write a single line of code that would declare and create an array (called scores) for 20 ints.
(h) Class Fields (as opposed to instance fields) are labeled with what reserved word when they are declared?
(i) What class has the method showInputDialog?
(j) Which package should be imported if using JButtons, JPanels, etc in a GUI?
JAVA Review - Terminology?
(a) extends
(b) implements
(c) overloading
(d) applet
(e) FlowLayout
(f) class fields
(g) int[] scores = new int[20];
(h) static
(i) JOptionPane
(j) javax.swing
Reply:Go ahead and do the practice test. Post your answers and we will let you know if you are wrong. You can do it...
Good Luck
Reply:do your own assignment
Reply:Well you should probably ask your teacher, because from experience they will sometimes have small caveats that will screw up your answers and you'll say "well that's what the book says! and everyone on Y!A!" and your teacher will just look at you and say "but that's not what **I** said"
land survey
HTML to EXE Windows compiler with functions?
is there a compiler for windows in which the GUI is created with HTML, but it still supports major functions like networking (FTP), opening files and editing them ... [like c++ but the DISPLAY is HTML]? THANKS
HTML to EXE Windows compiler with functions?
I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but MS offers Hypertext Applications (hta's) that basically do this:
Essentially, it's just like designing a web page. You use HTML/CSS for layout, then javascript/etc. to provide functionality. Save the file with a .hta extension and windows will render it using IE. There's a bit more to it, but it's not terribly complicated, and the link above does a really good job of getting you started quickly.
Good luck, hope this was helpful...
HTML to EXE Windows compiler with functions?
I don't know if this is exactly what you want, but MS offers Hypertext Applications (hta's) that basically do this:
Essentially, it's just like designing a web page. You use HTML/CSS for layout, then javascript/etc. to provide functionality. Save the file with a .hta extension and windows will render it using IE. There's a bit more to it, but it's not terribly complicated, and the link above does a really good job of getting you started quickly.
Good luck, hope this was helpful...
Is there a modern, supported and preferably cheap equivalent of Turbo Pascal?
I don't want to become a C programmer, but remember enjoying the structured yet fairly comprehensible syntax of Pascal. What choices are available today - the ability to code for Windows and preferably other GUI/OSs a must.
As an aside, if one was to go back to basics with an old copy of Borland Turbo Pascal 5.x, would it be feasible and practicable to write code that makes use of the Windows API?
Is there a modern, supported and preferably cheap equivalent of Turbo Pascal?
Have you had a look at Delphi? It's basically Object Oriented Pascal
Reply:You might enjoy learning Python. It has a similar structured yet comprehensive syntax. Libraries are available for most things, including GUI programming on Windows and other platforms. See http://www.python.org, and for a good tutorial see http://www.diveintopython.org
As an aside, if one was to go back to basics with an old copy of Borland Turbo Pascal 5.x, would it be feasible and practicable to write code that makes use of the Windows API?
Is there a modern, supported and preferably cheap equivalent of Turbo Pascal?
Have you had a look at Delphi? It's basically Object Oriented Pascal
Reply:You might enjoy learning Python. It has a similar structured yet comprehensive syntax. Libraries are available for most things, including GUI programming on Windows and other platforms. See http://www.python.org, and for a good tutorial see http://www.diveintopython.org
Can anybody assist me in the installation of a non-Microsoft Operating System?
The Red Hat Linux SetUp offers the option of a GUI set up or a text based set up. Most non-Microsoft set ups don't offer this option. I am presented with a CLI screen with the command line a:%26gt; and I need to know how to proceed from there. The installation would be to the 'd' drive - 'c', 'e' and 'i' are all already occupied. The 'd' drive is currently an NTFS partition.
Can anybody assist me in the installation of a non-Microsoft Operating System?
A gui setup is what a M$ or apple os is now. Graphical User Interface. Pick the easier GUI setup. The problem with installing any OS is that the hard drive must be low level formatted and then single or multiple partitioned(i.e. Linux OS won't load on NTFS, FAT16, FAT32, etc. formats)You can get this low level format software from the hard drive manufacturer's website. WARNING: YOU WILL PERMANENTLY LOSE ALL YOUR INFORMATION ON THE DRIVE YOU ARE LOW LEVEL FORMATTING, BACKUP ANYTHING YOU WISH TO SAVE. You must have a ready and wating open hd with nothing on it. Now I know there are alot of other ways to this answer this person's problem to make it work, this is just a quick and easy way. Or you could go to Red Hat's site and look for the installation FAQ. Or you could ask this question at a Linux discussion site; they love to help people graduate from the handcuffs of M$.
Reply:you really need to use the GUI installer, for you are too much a noob to even use the 'linux fdisk' program in CLI (Command Line Interface).
Better yet, would be that you grab a LiveCDrom of http://www.mepis.org that is Kubuntu with 1% more goodness. Installs in about 20 minutes, with the click on the "Install" icon.
Can anybody assist me in the installation of a non-Microsoft Operating System?
A gui setup is what a M$ or apple os is now. Graphical User Interface. Pick the easier GUI setup. The problem with installing any OS is that the hard drive must be low level formatted and then single or multiple partitioned(i.e. Linux OS won't load on NTFS, FAT16, FAT32, etc. formats)You can get this low level format software from the hard drive manufacturer's website. WARNING: YOU WILL PERMANENTLY LOSE ALL YOUR INFORMATION ON THE DRIVE YOU ARE LOW LEVEL FORMATTING, BACKUP ANYTHING YOU WISH TO SAVE. You must have a ready and wating open hd with nothing on it. Now I know there are alot of other ways to this answer this person's problem to make it work, this is just a quick and easy way. Or you could go to Red Hat's site and look for the installation FAQ. Or you could ask this question at a Linux discussion site; they love to help people graduate from the handcuffs of M$.
Reply:you really need to use the GUI installer, for you are too much a noob to even use the 'linux fdisk' program in CLI (Command Line Interface).
Better yet, would be that you grab a LiveCDrom of http://www.mepis.org that is Kubuntu with 1% more goodness. Installs in about 20 minutes, with the click on the "Install" icon.
Who votes for me?
Hello, I am a candidate for president of A State of Happiness. A place where everyone is friendly, the cottages are wonderfully comfortable and the water in the swimming pool is always 32°C. Here there are no obligations but anything is possible.
Yep, you know me. I always wanted to be famous, even infamous. And you can help. Simply vote for me and forward this url to your friends and acquaintances. The more votes I receive, the greater my chance of becoming the happy president.
Click and vote, it's that simple.
Thank you xxxxx
PS. Zonneke means sunshine, as i am the sunshine for my (Single) Belgian mummie
Who votes for me?
i am not registered to vote in Belgium
Reply:okayy.. because u r so sweet...
Reply:Yes, I voted for you - because you´re sweet!
You can´t be worse than the politicians in my country ...
Reply:one vote from wales uk
Reply:No obligations - anything possible? Your State of Happiness will turn to anarchy in no time. Dream on... Moeke zal fier op je zijn Zonneke.
Reply:3 votes from me:
one for each language in Belgium: Vlaams, Francais and Deutsch
survey software
Yep, you know me. I always wanted to be famous, even infamous. And you can help. Simply vote for me and forward this url to your friends and acquaintances. The more votes I receive, the greater my chance of becoming the happy president.
Click and vote, it's that simple.
Thank you xxxxx
PS. Zonneke means sunshine, as i am the sunshine for my (Single) Belgian mummie
Who votes for me?
i am not registered to vote in Belgium
Reply:okayy.. because u r so sweet...
Reply:Yes, I voted for you - because you´re sweet!
You can´t be worse than the politicians in my country ...
Reply:one vote from wales uk
Reply:No obligations - anything possible? Your State of Happiness will turn to anarchy in no time. Dream on... Moeke zal fier op je zijn Zonneke.
Reply:3 votes from me:
one for each language in Belgium: Vlaams, Francais and Deutsch
survey software
What websites where i can obtain a proggraming software?
1. it is GUI based
2. it can create a windows program
3. it uses B.A.S.I.C. commands
What websites where i can obtain a proggraming software?
No recommendations for any of these, but here are some links to "freeware" BASIC compilers for Windows:
2. it can create a windows program
3. it uses B.A.S.I.C. commands
What websites where i can obtain a proggraming software?
No recommendations for any of these, but here are some links to "freeware" BASIC compilers for Windows:
Beginner Java help?
The assignment is this:
In this assigment you will write an object oriented program using Java that will consist of a class hierarchy of shapes (e.g., square, triangle, circle) that implement a shape interface. The shape interface requires that a shape provides instance methods to reveal its name, and its perimeter and area measurements.
I just gave you the triangle part. It's a GUI, I don't know how to compile it all together.
public class Triangle extends AbstractShape {
protected double sideA;
protected double sideB;
protected double sideC;
public Triangle() {
sideA = sideB = sideC = 0;
public Triangle(double a, double b, double c) {
sideA = a;
sideB = b;
sideC = c;
public String name() {
return "Triangle";
public double area() {
double s = (sideA + sideB + sideC) / 2.0;
return Math.sqrt( s*(s-sideA)*(s-sideB)*(s-sideC) );
public double perimeter() {
return sideA + sideB + sideC;
Please help? thanks
Beginner Java help?
You seem to have some confusion about interfaces. You are not supposed to be extending an abstract class. The assignment is to implement a Shape interface. The Shape interface is to specify contracts for three methods. The contracts given by Shape must be implemented explicitly by the classes.
Create a package to contain your code...call it whatever you want (or use some existing package). Add your interface and class definitions in your package.
// save as Shape.java
package my.lessons.shape
public interface Shape
// specify the contracts that implementing
// classes must fulfill
public String getName();
public double getPerimeter();
public double getArea();
// save as Triangle.java
package my.lessons.shape
public class Triangle implements Shape
// leave these as protected, since more
// specialized triangle classes might
// extend this class, e.g., there might
// be an IsoscelesTriangle descendant
protected double sideA;
protected double sideB;
protected double sideC;
public Triangle() {
sideA = 0;
sideB = 0;
sideC = 0;
public Triangle(double a, double b, double c) {
sideA = a;
sideB = b;
sideC = c;
// implement Shape contracts
public String getName() {
return "Triangle";
public double getArea() {
double s = (sideA + sideB + sideC) / 2.0;
return Math.sqrt( s*(s-sideA)*(s-sideB)*(s-sideC) );
public double getPerimeter() {
return sideA + sideB + sideC;
// save as Square.java
package my.lessons.shape
public class Square implements Shape
// not likely that a more specialized
// form of Square will develop - make
// this private
private double side;
public Square() {
side = 0;
public Square(double s) {
side = s;
// implement Shape contracts
public String getName() {
return "Square";
public double getArea() {
return Math.pow(side, 2);
public double getPerimeter() {
return 4*side;
// save as Circle.java
package my.lessons.shape
public class Circle implements Shape
// not likely that a more specialized
// form of Circle will develop - make
// this private
private double radius;
public Circle() {
radius = 0;
public Circle(double r) {
radius = r;
// implement Shape contracts
public String getName() {
return "Circle";
public double getArea() {
return Math.PI*Math.pow(radius, 2);
public double getPerimeter() {
return 2*Math.PI*side;
Reply:you need to implement main, make some shapes with the New method, and then print out some info about them.
In this assigment you will write an object oriented program using Java that will consist of a class hierarchy of shapes (e.g., square, triangle, circle) that implement a shape interface. The shape interface requires that a shape provides instance methods to reveal its name, and its perimeter and area measurements.
I just gave you the triangle part. It's a GUI, I don't know how to compile it all together.
public class Triangle extends AbstractShape {
protected double sideA;
protected double sideB;
protected double sideC;
public Triangle() {
sideA = sideB = sideC = 0;
public Triangle(double a, double b, double c) {
sideA = a;
sideB = b;
sideC = c;
public String name() {
return "Triangle";
public double area() {
double s = (sideA + sideB + sideC) / 2.0;
return Math.sqrt( s*(s-sideA)*(s-sideB)*(s-sideC) );
public double perimeter() {
return sideA + sideB + sideC;
Please help? thanks
Beginner Java help?
You seem to have some confusion about interfaces. You are not supposed to be extending an abstract class. The assignment is to implement a Shape interface. The Shape interface is to specify contracts for three methods. The contracts given by Shape must be implemented explicitly by the classes.
Create a package to contain your code...call it whatever you want (or use some existing package). Add your interface and class definitions in your package.
// save as Shape.java
package my.lessons.shape
public interface Shape
// specify the contracts that implementing
// classes must fulfill
public String getName();
public double getPerimeter();
public double getArea();
// save as Triangle.java
package my.lessons.shape
public class Triangle implements Shape
// leave these as protected, since more
// specialized triangle classes might
// extend this class, e.g., there might
// be an IsoscelesTriangle descendant
protected double sideA;
protected double sideB;
protected double sideC;
public Triangle() {
sideA = 0;
sideB = 0;
sideC = 0;
public Triangle(double a, double b, double c) {
sideA = a;
sideB = b;
sideC = c;
// implement Shape contracts
public String getName() {
return "Triangle";
public double getArea() {
double s = (sideA + sideB + sideC) / 2.0;
return Math.sqrt( s*(s-sideA)*(s-sideB)*(s-sideC) );
public double getPerimeter() {
return sideA + sideB + sideC;
// save as Square.java
package my.lessons.shape
public class Square implements Shape
// not likely that a more specialized
// form of Square will develop - make
// this private
private double side;
public Square() {
side = 0;
public Square(double s) {
side = s;
// implement Shape contracts
public String getName() {
return "Square";
public double getArea() {
return Math.pow(side, 2);
public double getPerimeter() {
return 4*side;
// save as Circle.java
package my.lessons.shape
public class Circle implements Shape
// not likely that a more specialized
// form of Circle will develop - make
// this private
private double radius;
public Circle() {
radius = 0;
public Circle(double r) {
radius = r;
// implement Shape contracts
public String getName() {
return "Circle";
public double getArea() {
return Math.PI*Math.pow(radius, 2);
public double getPerimeter() {
return 2*Math.PI*side;
Reply:you need to implement main, make some shapes with the New method, and then print out some info about them.
Win32:Renos-AL [tool]?
I m facing a vry strange problm n would expect help frm u guys. I was getting a wrning:
"win32:Renos-AL [tool]" has been found in
c/windows/system32/systems.txt" I opend the file "systems.txt", and as soon as I clicked it the message appaeraed again.I noticd that whnever I was clicking this file, the same messge appeared. Anywy I deletd the virus by clickng the delet button of my antivirus GUI, and opened the file and changd its contnt ( although the file was initially empty). I was wrned but did nt care. After ths although I did nt get any warning by the antivirus ( I use Avast Home edition), but I am getting an error every time I start
a program or even windows( rundll32.exe-Bad Image or something - badimage):"The application or DLL C:\windows\system32\system.txt is not a valid window image. Plz check this against your installtion diskette".plz suggst m how can I recovr my originl systems.txt %26amp; wy was I gettng warng even tho I deltd th infec win32:Renos-AL [tool] serverl time
Win32:Renos-AL [tool]?
Reply:try a system restore back to the point before you deleted the file
"win32:Renos-AL [tool]" has been found in
c/windows/system32/systems.txt" I opend the file "systems.txt", and as soon as I clicked it the message appaeraed again.I noticd that whnever I was clicking this file, the same messge appeared. Anywy I deletd the virus by clickng the delet button of my antivirus GUI, and opened the file and changd its contnt ( although the file was initially empty). I was wrned but did nt care. After ths although I did nt get any warning by the antivirus ( I use Avast Home edition), but I am getting an error every time I start
a program or even windows( rundll32.exe-Bad Image or something - badimage):"The application or DLL C:\windows\system32\system.txt is not a valid window image. Plz check this against your installtion diskette".plz suggst m how can I recovr my originl systems.txt %26amp; wy was I gettng warng even tho I deltd th infec win32:Renos-AL [tool] serverl time
Win32:Renos-AL [tool]?
Reply:try a system restore back to the point before you deleted the file
Unix/Linux help. Moving files using commands.?
I have 2 drives.
Drive X and drive Y.
Drive X has many many files and directories inside. And I wish to COPY things from drive X to Y.
However, I ONLY want to move the files between a certain date range.
Any files that satisfy the date range condition will be copied from X to Y.
For example, I want to only move files which are modified/created from Jan1st to Feb1st 2007, from X: to Y: drive. If only the following files satisfy the date range condition, then they will be copied in this fashion:
X:/abc/foo.c -%26gt; Y:/abc/foo.c
X:/teamX/excel.xls -%26gt; Y:/teamX/excel.xls
X:/teamA/picture.jpg -%26gt; Y:/teamA/picture.jpg
This would be simple if I were working in with a GUI, but I am STRICTLY restricted to text commands or Scripts (or programs).
I can write a program to perform this task, but I am pretty sure there's a much quicker existing way by using Shell commands and pipelines.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Unix/Linux help. Moving files using commands.?
cp - copies files
tar - can also copy files, more commonly it's used to make archives like zip does
dd - can also copy files, more commonly it's used to clone a drive or partition, particulary in data recovery.
mv - moves files
man cp - read the manpage for the cp command
man find - read the manpage for the find command
here's one way to do it:
touch -d "Jan 1 2007" file.start
touch -d "Feb 1 2007" file.end
find /somepath -daystart -newer file.start \! -daystart -newer file.end -exec cp {} /newlocation \;
That should do it. You might want to doublecheck my syntax as it's late and I could have mistyped something.
Reply:if you are copying files from one drive to another, make sure you know exactly where they are mounted. in linux all drives are mounted somewhere on the same filesystem, which could be confusing you. you can't just cd to x: like you can in windows. the upside to this is you can mount a drive anywhere you want! once you verify the proper paths, you can you cp and the find command to do what you want. here's an example of how to copy all the folders [command -type d] (only in the root of /mnt/drive1 [commands -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1]) recursively [command cp -r] that were last modified in the past 24 hours [command -mtime 0] to a drive mounted at /mnt/drive2:
cp -r `find /mnt/drive1 -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -mtime 0 -type d` /mnt/drive2
research the find command a bit more, it's pretty easy to do what you want.
also keep in mind you'll need to have the proper permissions to access and then cp the data!
actually, that will only work if the folders do not have spaces or strange characters in them. for cp to handle the folder names correctly, you'll have to pipe to xargs like so:
find /mnt/drive1 -maxdepth -mindepth 1 -mtime 0 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/cp -r /mnt/drive 2
hope that helps! just trying to show you the INCREDIBLE power of the linux command line (assuming you use it right, lol!)
Reply:Doesn't UNIX have some kind of move command like Windows does?
Reply:Write script for that.
First get the last modified time of a file.
This you can do in many ways... One option is to scan the output of ls -l command and select those files whose date matches your requirement.
Once you have the list you can move thm to other drive using mv comand.
Start with root directory...
list all files..
if its a file(not a directry) then check the date
if it matches then
use mv to move to destn.
if all files are over.. open the first directory
do as above...
I gave you just an idea.. I dont know its worth to you..
Anyhow goodluck
survey research
I have 2 drives.
Drive X and drive Y.
Drive X has many many files and directories inside. And I wish to COPY things from drive X to Y.
However, I ONLY want to move the files between a certain date range.
Any files that satisfy the date range condition will be copied from X to Y.
For example, I want to only move files which are modified/created from Jan1st to Feb1st 2007, from X: to Y: drive. If only the following files satisfy the date range condition, then they will be copied in this fashion:
X:/abc/foo.c -%26gt; Y:/abc/foo.c
X:/teamX/excel.xls -%26gt; Y:/teamX/excel.xls
X:/teamA/picture.jpg -%26gt; Y:/teamA/picture.jpg
This would be simple if I were working in with a GUI, but I am STRICTLY restricted to text commands or Scripts (or programs).
I can write a program to perform this task, but I am pretty sure there's a much quicker existing way by using Shell commands and pipelines.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Unix/Linux help. Moving files using commands.?
cp - copies files
tar - can also copy files, more commonly it's used to make archives like zip does
dd - can also copy files, more commonly it's used to clone a drive or partition, particulary in data recovery.
mv - moves files
man cp - read the manpage for the cp command
man find - read the manpage for the find command
here's one way to do it:
touch -d "Jan 1 2007" file.start
touch -d "Feb 1 2007" file.end
find /somepath -daystart -newer file.start \! -daystart -newer file.end -exec cp {} /newlocation \;
That should do it. You might want to doublecheck my syntax as it's late and I could have mistyped something.
Reply:if you are copying files from one drive to another, make sure you know exactly where they are mounted. in linux all drives are mounted somewhere on the same filesystem, which could be confusing you. you can't just cd to x: like you can in windows. the upside to this is you can mount a drive anywhere you want! once you verify the proper paths, you can you cp and the find command to do what you want. here's an example of how to copy all the folders [command -type d] (only in the root of /mnt/drive1 [commands -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1]) recursively [command cp -r] that were last modified in the past 24 hours [command -mtime 0] to a drive mounted at /mnt/drive2:
cp -r `find /mnt/drive1 -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -mtime 0 -type d` /mnt/drive2
research the find command a bit more, it's pretty easy to do what you want.
also keep in mind you'll need to have the proper permissions to access and then cp the data!
actually, that will only work if the folders do not have spaces or strange characters in them. for cp to handle the folder names correctly, you'll have to pipe to xargs like so:
find /mnt/drive1 -maxdepth -mindepth 1 -mtime 0 -type d -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/cp -r /mnt/drive 2
hope that helps! just trying to show you the INCREDIBLE power of the linux command line (assuming you use it right, lol!)
Reply:Doesn't UNIX have some kind of move command like Windows does?
Reply:Write script for that.
First get the last modified time of a file.
This you can do in many ways... One option is to scan the output of ls -l command and select those files whose date matches your requirement.
Once you have the list you can move thm to other drive using mv comand.
Start with root directory...
list all files..
if its a file(not a directry) then check the date
if it matches then
use mv to move to destn.
if all files are over.. open the first directory
do as above...
I gave you just an idea.. I dont know its worth to you..
Anyhow goodluck
survey research
Can i make software?
I don't know c or c++ or any other language but i want to make software how can i make it?
i want to make it with gui and it should be application software?
Can i make software?
You can't if you dont know about any programming language.
But, you can learn it from websites.
VisualBasic is the best program I think to make software, if you don't know how to use VB code, try these link below...
It will be more if you search at yahoo.
Reply:is this a serious question? if you do not know how to code, then how do your expect to write software?
Reply:yes u can still make software if u ask someone who knows coding a application to make it for u :)
Reply:Your question is not so clear. Though, for creating applications (exe files) you could use Macromedia Director. It is a program where you can design the interface and make programming of its elements. Pretty cool!
Reply:just learn basics in c, c++ then try develop ok .. vb.net is very easy to make u r design ok .., good luck ..,, web design also simple ..ok bye .. good luck
Reply:search for e books.. if you want gui base software its right Visual Basic, Oracle..
Reply:learn some visual basic
why not
its not the angles that come from somewhere and write softwares for us
come up and its really a great fun to write softwares
and whenever there is some problem we people are always there to help u out
u can mail me at akash2004u@gmail.com if u wish to have some help out there
Reply:Yes, but you are going to have to invest some time, and maybe a little money in some books, before you have the skills you will need.
Programming isn't that difficult but it does take a while to get proficient at thinking a problem through and decomposing it into steps that can be described to the computer in a programming language. This takes practice.
As for a suitable programming language I'd recommend you start with one of the modern 'object oriented' languages like Java or C#, both of which can be obtained free. Both are good but as with all things each has its pros and cons. If you want to make a GUI application for Microsoft Windows then (IMHO) you might find C# easier.
Don't launch into trying to write your application as your first real program. Work your way up to it by trying out some of your ideas in simpler applications first. Gain the knowledge and experience of what works before attempting anything big and complex.
i want to make it with gui and it should be application software?
Can i make software?
You can't if you dont know about any programming language.
But, you can learn it from websites.
VisualBasic is the best program I think to make software, if you don't know how to use VB code, try these link below...
It will be more if you search at yahoo.
Reply:is this a serious question? if you do not know how to code, then how do your expect to write software?
Reply:yes u can still make software if u ask someone who knows coding a application to make it for u :)
Reply:Your question is not so clear. Though, for creating applications (exe files) you could use Macromedia Director. It is a program where you can design the interface and make programming of its elements. Pretty cool!
Reply:just learn basics in c, c++ then try develop ok .. vb.net is very easy to make u r design ok .., good luck ..,, web design also simple ..ok bye .. good luck
Reply:search for e books.. if you want gui base software its right Visual Basic, Oracle..
Reply:learn some visual basic
why not
its not the angles that come from somewhere and write softwares for us
come up and its really a great fun to write softwares
and whenever there is some problem we people are always there to help u out
u can mail me at akash2004u@gmail.com if u wish to have some help out there
Reply:Yes, but you are going to have to invest some time, and maybe a little money in some books, before you have the skills you will need.
Programming isn't that difficult but it does take a while to get proficient at thinking a problem through and decomposing it into steps that can be described to the computer in a programming language. This takes practice.
As for a suitable programming language I'd recommend you start with one of the modern 'object oriented' languages like Java or C#, both of which can be obtained free. Both are good but as with all things each has its pros and cons. If you want to make a GUI application for Microsoft Windows then (IMHO) you might find C# easier.
Don't launch into trying to write your application as your first real program. Work your way up to it by trying out some of your ideas in simpler applications first. Gain the knowledge and experience of what works before attempting anything big and complex.
What programming laguage should i learn, and on what IDE?
I need to know which GUI programming language has the most promising future of being used for the next 10 years, is already widely used in multi-platform programs and games and what ide to learn it on. Example: If you suggest C++ should i use Visual C++ or what? keeping in mind that i would want to use the language on game engines and other platforms too.
You can help me by telling me what languages are used to make:-
1-EA games
2-Silkroad online
3-Microsoft Windows
What programming laguage should i learn, and on what IDE?
Go with Java or VB.NET or C# .NET.
Personally, I love the Java language and use the Eclise IDE. I also do some windows programming in C#.
VB kinda sucks, IMHO, but C# is a fairly elegant language as is Java, and they will both be around for quite some time. Java especially will be around as there is a ton of code out there written in Java. C# is sort of Microsoft's answer to Java and doesn't quite have the same number of programs written using it. With either you will be marketable for some time to come-- if you are good.
Reply:There is different kind of platform for writing C/C++ codes. Borland, Microsoft,... in Windows and some others in Linux. what is clear is that games don't use classes which are inherited in Visual C/Borland C, maybe only in programming Firefox and Internet explorer. but they use another packages like OpenGL, DirectX and ... to program such games and graphical interfaces, in all of which you need to know C++. C++ is not related to Visual C or whatever. this is the base you need to know.
Reply:I will suggest the following languages
VB -Desktop GUI http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/vi...
Java -Web Based,POrtable http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/ja...
Python,Perl -COmmand line http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/py...
C - generic http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/c....
Reply:Java programmers get paid better.
But if you're interested in programming games, C++ is the way to go.
And if you want to stick to Microsoft technologies, I guess you should choose C#/.NET. Click here for IDE's: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/expres...
The common disadvantages of Java? Well, Java programs typically run a LOT slower than C++ programs, that's why Java isn't used for fast games. Also, Java requires a virtual machine to run on and that virtual machines takes a while to load. On the other hand: Java runs on a lot of different computers. It does lend itself very well for programming games for cell phones and stuff.
But my pet peeve against Java is the way it is given its version numbers: "Java 2, Enterprise Edition, version 5.0.0 Update 10." WTF????
Reply:Study JAVA!
IDEs?try Eclipse and Netbeans!
Reply:C++ is used to make the products you mentioned, but for multiple platforms I would assume that Java is the way to go. I use Emacs for my IDE.
Reply:C++ is used for all of those. MS probably uses Visual C++ to do Windows, but I'm not 100% sure, and most game studios use C++ and Visual C++ as well.
I would recommend learning the .NET framework. .NET has the biggest chance of being around in 10 years.
You can help me by telling me what languages are used to make:-
1-EA games
2-Silkroad online
3-Microsoft Windows
What programming laguage should i learn, and on what IDE?
Go with Java or VB.NET or C# .NET.
Personally, I love the Java language and use the Eclise IDE. I also do some windows programming in C#.
VB kinda sucks, IMHO, but C# is a fairly elegant language as is Java, and they will both be around for quite some time. Java especially will be around as there is a ton of code out there written in Java. C# is sort of Microsoft's answer to Java and doesn't quite have the same number of programs written using it. With either you will be marketable for some time to come-- if you are good.
Reply:There is different kind of platform for writing C/C++ codes. Borland, Microsoft,... in Windows and some others in Linux. what is clear is that games don't use classes which are inherited in Visual C/Borland C, maybe only in programming Firefox and Internet explorer. but they use another packages like OpenGL, DirectX and ... to program such games and graphical interfaces, in all of which you need to know C++. C++ is not related to Visual C or whatever. this is the base you need to know.
Reply:I will suggest the following languages
VB -Desktop GUI http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/vi...
Java -Web Based,POrtable http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/ja...
Python,Perl -COmmand line http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/py...
C - generic http://pspxworld.com/book/programming/c....
Reply:Java programmers get paid better.
But if you're interested in programming games, C++ is the way to go.
And if you want to stick to Microsoft technologies, I guess you should choose C#/.NET. Click here for IDE's: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/expres...
The common disadvantages of Java? Well, Java programs typically run a LOT slower than C++ programs, that's why Java isn't used for fast games. Also, Java requires a virtual machine to run on and that virtual machines takes a while to load. On the other hand: Java runs on a lot of different computers. It does lend itself very well for programming games for cell phones and stuff.
But my pet peeve against Java is the way it is given its version numbers: "Java 2, Enterprise Edition, version 5.0.0 Update 10." WTF????
Reply:Study JAVA!
IDEs?try Eclipse and Netbeans!
Reply:C++ is used to make the products you mentioned, but for multiple platforms I would assume that Java is the way to go. I use Emacs for my IDE.
Reply:C++ is used for all of those. MS probably uses Visual C++ to do Windows, but I'm not 100% sure, and most game studios use C++ and Visual C++ as well.
I would recommend learning the .NET framework. .NET has the biggest chance of being around in 10 years.
I want to seriously programe computers Etc at the core?
See I've tried to learn progarmming in many languages like Python, C++ and even c but i never learned anything more than for loops and if conditions to some degree of progamming console applications but I do seriously want to know how to do it perfectly as posible and not only with pre defined classes or gui tool kits but in case I'll like doing everything the best way and when I asked a similer question on a related forum they said progarmming is best thought in unversities and institutes that do so although I'm not gonna do that kind of stuff to programming but I'm sort of confused try to know wahre to start and then how to continue to learn programming almost or complely perfectly as posible. Please everyone reading this whould you tell me how? and If you can do it please email me at go_surangasa@yahoo.com
I want to seriously programe computers Etc at the core?
Learn by doing...I'm still a learner after 16 years of experience. Everyday a new challenge and a nnew solution has to be found out.
The best programming system would be Win32 programming. You can design forms wihout IDEs etc. etc..
But you can't learn it overnight...
I want to seriously programe computers Etc at the core?
Learn by doing...I'm still a learner after 16 years of experience. Everyday a new challenge and a nnew solution has to be found out.
The best programming system would be Win32 programming. You can design forms wihout IDEs etc. etc..
But you can't learn it overnight...
I have a 3year old computer i would like to play call of duty 4 and other i have a graphics card SiS 661FX/GX?
Mainboard :Packard Bell NEC Unspecified
Chipset : SiS 661FX/GX
Processor :Intel Pentium 4 516J @ 2933 MHz
Physical Memory : 512 MB (1 x 512 DDR-SDRAM )
Video Card :Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) SiS661FX/760/741/M661FX/M760/M741 GUI 2D/3D Accelerator
Hard Disk :ST380011A (80 GB)
DVD-Rom Drive : COMBO IDE5232CO ATA Device
DVD-Rom Drive : DVDRW USB H16X USB Device
Monitor Type :ProView Technology - 15 inches
Network Card :Realtek Semiconductor RT8139 (A/B/C/810x/813x/C+) Fast Ethernet Adapter
Operating System :Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate Professional 6.00.6000
DirectX : Version 10.00
Windows Performance Index :1.0Manufacturer : Packard Bell NEC
Mainboard : Packard Bell NEC Unspecified
Bios : Phoenix Technologies, LTD
Chipset : SiS 661FX/GX
Physical Memory : 512 MB DDR-SDRAM
LPC bus :Yes
PCI Bus :Yes
AGP Bus :Yes
USB Bus :Yes
SMBus/i2c Bus :Yes
Bus HyperTransport :No
Bus CardBus :No
Bus FireWire :No
what graphic card is suitable for this.
I have a 3year old computer i would like to play call of duty 4 and other i have a graphics card SiS 661FX/GX?
Forget needing dual core; it works well without. I've seen it working well on a three year old Pentium 4CPU 3.2 and with 2 gig of ram on a premium Asus P4 Motherboard. I've also seen it run terribly on a dual core system; not sure the total build, but it didn't run *as* well as on the P4 I've seen.
What I would say is that you get hold of the best graphics card that you can afford to play *any* PC game. That being said, it might be hard to determine just what limitations you might have on your graphics-card slot.
Bear one thing in mind here; for everyone who would take a liking to any particular graphics-card there will be as many that would give you a different answer.
With regard to your Motherboard: Unspecified means it's been built to factory-form and the rest of the PC itself is built around it; 'unspecified' doesn't mean it's not good enough ... but equally it might not be be good enough to play such a game as COD4. I have a three year-old Mohertboard that can still beat a lot of mid-range dual-core assemblies.
That still leaves you with a few questions not answered, but in all honesty and without knowing how your PC performs graphically (only you might know this) it's hard to fully deterimne. Rule-of-thumb has always been the best you can afford with regard to Motherboard, processor, RAM and graphics card ... (in that order.) ie ... you can have the greatest graphics card but if you don't have a Motherboard that's good enough to 'keep up with it' then the graphics-card will never run at it's best ... and any other combination of the above.
OK ... I know, that's as clear as mud but (and frankly) without seeing what *you* see it's a bit hard to give a definative answer here.
Good Luck
Reply:i checked on the requirements for this game and here they are:
Minimum system requirements;
* CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 2800+ processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
* RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
* Hard drive: 8GB of free hard drive space
* Video card: NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600 or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800Pro or better
Recommended system requirements;
* CPU: 2.4 GHz dual core or better is recommended
* RAM: 1GB for XP; 2GB for Vista is recommended
* Hard drive: 8GB of free hard drive space
* Video card: 3.0 Shader Support recommended. Nvidia Geforce 7800 or better or ATI Radeon X1800 or better
survey for money
Chipset : SiS 661FX/GX
Processor :Intel Pentium 4 516J @ 2933 MHz
Physical Memory : 512 MB (1 x 512 DDR-SDRAM )
Video Card :Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) SiS661FX/760/741/M661FX/M760/M741 GUI 2D/3D Accelerator
Hard Disk :ST380011A (80 GB)
DVD-Rom Drive : COMBO IDE5232CO ATA Device
DVD-Rom Drive : DVDRW USB H16X USB Device
Monitor Type :ProView Technology - 15 inches
Network Card :Realtek Semiconductor RT8139 (A/B/C/810x/813x/C+) Fast Ethernet Adapter
Operating System :Windows Vista (TM) Ultimate Professional 6.00.6000
DirectX : Version 10.00
Windows Performance Index :1.0Manufacturer : Packard Bell NEC
Mainboard : Packard Bell NEC Unspecified
Bios : Phoenix Technologies, LTD
Chipset : SiS 661FX/GX
Physical Memory : 512 MB DDR-SDRAM
LPC bus :Yes
PCI Bus :Yes
AGP Bus :Yes
USB Bus :Yes
SMBus/i2c Bus :Yes
Bus HyperTransport :No
Bus CardBus :No
Bus FireWire :No
what graphic card is suitable for this.
I have a 3year old computer i would like to play call of duty 4 and other i have a graphics card SiS 661FX/GX?
Forget needing dual core; it works well without. I've seen it working well on a three year old Pentium 4CPU 3.2 and with 2 gig of ram on a premium Asus P4 Motherboard. I've also seen it run terribly on a dual core system; not sure the total build, but it didn't run *as* well as on the P4 I've seen.
What I would say is that you get hold of the best graphics card that you can afford to play *any* PC game. That being said, it might be hard to determine just what limitations you might have on your graphics-card slot.
Bear one thing in mind here; for everyone who would take a liking to any particular graphics-card there will be as many that would give you a different answer.
With regard to your Motherboard: Unspecified means it's been built to factory-form and the rest of the PC itself is built around it; 'unspecified' doesn't mean it's not good enough ... but equally it might not be be good enough to play such a game as COD4. I have a three year-old Mohertboard that can still beat a lot of mid-range dual-core assemblies.
That still leaves you with a few questions not answered, but in all honesty and without knowing how your PC performs graphically (only you might know this) it's hard to fully deterimne. Rule-of-thumb has always been the best you can afford with regard to Motherboard, processor, RAM and graphics card ... (in that order.) ie ... you can have the greatest graphics card but if you don't have a Motherboard that's good enough to 'keep up with it' then the graphics-card will never run at it's best ... and any other combination of the above.
OK ... I know, that's as clear as mud but (and frankly) without seeing what *you* see it's a bit hard to give a definative answer here.
Good Luck
Reply:i checked on the requirements for this game and here they are:
Minimum system requirements;
* CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 2800+ processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
* RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
* Hard drive: 8GB of free hard drive space
* Video card: NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600 or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800Pro or better
Recommended system requirements;
* CPU: 2.4 GHz dual core or better is recommended
* RAM: 1GB for XP; 2GB for Vista is recommended
* Hard drive: 8GB of free hard drive space
* Video card: 3.0 Shader Support recommended. Nvidia Geforce 7800 or better or ATI Radeon X1800 or better
survey for money
Help with DOS commands?
I am learning DOS and I need help learning these command lines.
1. Command to copy Myfile.dat from the root directory of Drive A to the \DATA folder in the C drive
2. Command to copy all data and sub folders from the A:\data folder to the C:\data folder.
3. What is the purpose of the EBD.cob file on the 98 start up disk?
I respect all of you DOS users we are spoiled by GUI and I am having a little trouble with certain commands I think I grasp the whole wild card concept so that has really been helping.
Help with DOS commands?
I don't know what OS your using...But
Typing HELP at a command prompt will give you the dos commands with a brief description.
HELP "command name" Will give you the switches(options) for that command.
There are also “undocumented” commands.
1: Copy a:\Myfile.dat c:\data
2: Copy a:\data *.* c:\data
3: See link
Reply:From A:\%26gt;
copy myfile.dat c:\data
From C:\DATA%26gt;
copy a:\myfile.dat
From A:\DATA%26gt; (copying all folders/files)
xcopy *.* c:\data /E
Reply:Here is a link to the DOS commands with a short description shown against each of them.
Good luck with your quest.
1. Command to copy Myfile.dat from the root directory of Drive A to the \DATA folder in the C drive
2. Command to copy all data and sub folders from the A:\data folder to the C:\data folder.
3. What is the purpose of the EBD.cob file on the 98 start up disk?
I respect all of you DOS users we are spoiled by GUI and I am having a little trouble with certain commands I think I grasp the whole wild card concept so that has really been helping.
Help with DOS commands?
I don't know what OS your using...But
Typing HELP at a command prompt will give you the dos commands with a brief description.
HELP "command name" Will give you the switches(options) for that command.
There are also “undocumented” commands.
1: Copy a:\Myfile.dat c:\data
2: Copy a:\data *.* c:\data
3: See link
Reply:From A:\%26gt;
copy myfile.dat c:\data
From C:\DATA%26gt;
copy a:\myfile.dat
From A:\DATA%26gt; (copying all folders/files)
xcopy *.* c:\data /E
Reply:Here is a link to the DOS commands with a short description shown against each of them.
Good luck with your quest.
Monday, July 27, 2009
How do I create and use a DLL?
I am use to writing command line based C code. I want to retain the code in proc1 (except for printf, although it could become a message box) but replace main with a simple GUI using MS VC. How do I make proc1 into a DLL? And how do I write C++ code to use that DLL?
extern void proc1(char *);
char mystr[128]="output.txt\0";
char *str1;
#include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;
#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;
void proc1(char *instr)
FILE *outptr;
printf("Could NOT create file (%s)\n",instr);
fprintf(outptr,"Add some text\n");
fprintf(outptr,"This is the file: %s\n",instr);
printf("File written: [%s]\n",instr);
How do I create and use a DLL?
It is a simple process. Just create a DLL VC++ project, and expose your intended function with a __declspec modifier as
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void proc1(char* instr);
for user code and
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void proc1(char* instr);
for the provider code.
To simplify this process you could make a common header file proc1.h having
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void proc1(char* instr);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void proc1(char* instr);
for your main file, simply include this header
#include "proc1.h"
for your proc1.c use an extra #define:
#include "proc1.h"
Good luck
extern void proc1(char *);
char mystr[128]="output.txt\0";
char *str1;
#include %26lt;stdlib.h%26gt;
#include %26lt;stdio.h%26gt;
void proc1(char *instr)
FILE *outptr;
printf("Could NOT create file (%s)\n",instr);
fprintf(outptr,"Add some text\n");
fprintf(outptr,"This is the file: %s\n",instr);
printf("File written: [%s]\n",instr);
How do I create and use a DLL?
It is a simple process. Just create a DLL VC++ project, and expose your intended function with a __declspec modifier as
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void proc1(char* instr);
for user code and
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void proc1(char* instr);
for the provider code.
To simplify this process you could make a common header file proc1.h having
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void proc1(char* instr);
extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) void proc1(char* instr);
for your main file, simply include this header
#include "proc1.h"
for your proc1.c use an extra #define:
#include "proc1.h"
Good luck
Help: My PC is infested with Rootkits...?
I used RootkitRevealer to blow their cover and when I tried saving the scan report, the GUI of the scanner started going nuts (I couldn't even select "File" then "Save"). I plan to rescan and hope for a "one-chance, one-command" to save the report before the GUI breaks up again.
I need the report to know where the rootkits are so I can know which files to be careful with after backing them up from my PC. I intend to use my "Recovery partition" which definately is clean as I have not made a single backup since the day my PC was turned on for the first time (also when the Recovery partition was created).
If I clean my C-drive after its contents are backed up, will copying them back to my PC re-infect it...as in, do Rootkits follow files onto CDs/DVDs so they can spread? Do they also infect Symbian phones?
Help: My PC is infested with Rootkits...?
Please use the following anti-rootkit scanners:
AVG Anti-rootkit
Panda Anti-rootkit:
Theres no limit to what rootkits can do on your computer, most rootkits perform operations in stealth and they infect almost any software; so yes, its possible that they can infect cell phones since cell phones have software in them.
Please read this article here for more info about rootkits:
Reply:Hello ' a_danhamidu ' :
I have a program that I bought for my PC that takes care of rootkits . I have to select ' Custom Scan ' and instruct the program to search for ' rootkits ' .
The Canadian price for me was $60.00 . The program comes as a CD to install on your PC . It's called , " Webroot Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus " .
As long as you're willing to spend the money , it's a GOOD program . It works !
I need the report to know where the rootkits are so I can know which files to be careful with after backing them up from my PC. I intend to use my "Recovery partition" which definately is clean as I have not made a single backup since the day my PC was turned on for the first time (also when the Recovery partition was created).
If I clean my C-drive after its contents are backed up, will copying them back to my PC re-infect it...as in, do Rootkits follow files onto CDs/DVDs so they can spread? Do they also infect Symbian phones?
Help: My PC is infested with Rootkits...?
Please use the following anti-rootkit scanners:
AVG Anti-rootkit
Panda Anti-rootkit:
Theres no limit to what rootkits can do on your computer, most rootkits perform operations in stealth and they infect almost any software; so yes, its possible that they can infect cell phones since cell phones have software in them.
Please read this article here for more info about rootkits:
Reply:Hello ' a_danhamidu ' :
I have a program that I bought for my PC that takes care of rootkits . I have to select ' Custom Scan ' and instruct the program to search for ' rootkits ' .
The Canadian price for me was $60.00 . The program comes as a CD to install on your PC . It's called , " Webroot Spy Sweeper with AntiVirus " .
As long as you're willing to spend the money , it's a GOOD program . It works !
Newbie programming *student* needs help...?
I have an assignment that we have an existing GUI and all I have to do is code is in VB.Net to function like a cash register. seems easy enough right? but remember I'm just learning...so I have a textbox the user inputs a price, a label to have a running subtotal, a label for the tax amount, and a label for the grand total. Also the gui has an enter button which is clicked after each price and will add to the subtotal, then there is a total button that when clicked figures the tax amount and displays it as well as the grand total is figures and displayed.
so here is what I have for the enter button (just to add the prices for a subtotal) but every time I click a new price- and then enter the new price isn't added to the subtotal- instead the subtotal is whatever price I just typed in... so here is my code. Can someone tell me what I am missing or have done wrong?
Dim currentPrice As Decimal
Dim subtotal As Decimal
currentPrice = Val(currentPriceTextBox.Text)
'add the items values
total = subtotal + currentPrice
'display subtotal
subtotalValueLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:C}", total)
'clear item price box
currentPriceTextBox.Text = ""
If currentPrice %26gt; 0 Then
total = Val(subtotalValueLabel.Text) + currentPrice
End If
End Sub
Newbie programming *student* needs help...?
The advise to do subtotal = subtotalValueLabel.text whould be correct one but not in your case. Because you format the lable text to show a dollar sign before the price, it would requeir more code to convert it back to a number. That is why subtotal always becomes zero.
The easiest way in your case is to declare subtotal as a global variable. Meaning it should be decared outside of your Sub procedure. The code will look something like this:
Dim subtotal As Decimal
'this is the procedure for click event
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim currentPrice As Decimal
currentPrice = Val(currentPriceTextBox.Text)
'add the items values
subtotal = subtotal + currentPrice
'display subtotal
subtotalValueLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:C}", subtotal)
'clear item price box
currentPriceTextBox.Text = ""
End Sub
you would have to do similar thing to calculate grand total
Reply:Its because you have not initialised the variable subtotal
You have declared subtotal
Dim subtotal As Decimal
And then straight away used it in the equation
total = subtotal + currentPrice
At this stage, since subtotal does not have any value and hence is euqial to zero.
hence total = 0 + currentPrice which is equal to currentPrice
Reply:The problem is that when you declare "Dim subtotal As Decimal", you are essentially setting "subtotal" to zero. You need to save the existing value of subtotalValueLabel as subtotal before doing the "total = subtotal + currentPrice." Add something like "subtotal = subtotalValueLabel.text" after "Dim subtotal As Decimal."
survey questions
so here is what I have for the enter button (just to add the prices for a subtotal) but every time I click a new price- and then enter the new price isn't added to the subtotal- instead the subtotal is whatever price I just typed in... so here is my code. Can someone tell me what I am missing or have done wrong?
Dim currentPrice As Decimal
Dim subtotal As Decimal
currentPrice = Val(currentPriceTextBox.Text)
'add the items values
total = subtotal + currentPrice
'display subtotal
subtotalValueLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:C}", total)
'clear item price box
currentPriceTextBox.Text = ""
If currentPrice %26gt; 0 Then
total = Val(subtotalValueLabel.Text) + currentPrice
End If
End Sub
Newbie programming *student* needs help...?
The advise to do subtotal = subtotalValueLabel.text whould be correct one but not in your case. Because you format the lable text to show a dollar sign before the price, it would requeir more code to convert it back to a number. That is why subtotal always becomes zero.
The easiest way in your case is to declare subtotal as a global variable. Meaning it should be decared outside of your Sub procedure. The code will look something like this:
Dim subtotal As Decimal
'this is the procedure for click event
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim currentPrice As Decimal
currentPrice = Val(currentPriceTextBox.Text)
'add the items values
subtotal = subtotal + currentPrice
'display subtotal
subtotalValueLabel.Text = String.Format("{0:C}", subtotal)
'clear item price box
currentPriceTextBox.Text = ""
End Sub
you would have to do similar thing to calculate grand total
Reply:Its because you have not initialised the variable subtotal
You have declared subtotal
Dim subtotal As Decimal
And then straight away used it in the equation
total = subtotal + currentPrice
At this stage, since subtotal does not have any value and hence is euqial to zero.
hence total = 0 + currentPrice which is equal to currentPrice
Reply:The problem is that when you declare "Dim subtotal As Decimal", you are essentially setting "subtotal" to zero. You need to save the existing value of subtotalValueLabel as subtotal before doing the "total = subtotal + currentPrice." Add something like "subtotal = subtotalValueLabel.text" after "Dim subtotal As Decimal."
survey questions
Where can i buy best chinese teas?
China tea,Chinese tea,Green tea,Oolong tea,Black tea,Red tea,White tea,Flower tea,Scented tea,Manufacturer %26amp; Wholesaler of China Tea,Green tea,Oolong tea,Black tea,Red tea,White tea,Flower tea,Scented tea,Anxi Oolong tea,Tie kuan yin,Ben shan,Mao xie,Huang dan,Huang jin guiChina tea,Chinese tea,Green tea,Oolong tea,Black tea,Red tea,White tea,Flower tea,Scented tea,Manufacturer %26amp; Wholesaler of China Tea,Green tea,Oolong tea,Black tea,Red tea,White tea,Flower tea,Scented tea,Anxi Oolong tea,Tie kuan yin,Ben shan,Mao xie,Huang dan,Huang jin gui China Tea, Chinese Tea, Oolong tea,Tie guan yin,Wu long tea,Tie kuan yin,Wulong tea,Anxi,Ben shan,Mao xie,Huang dan,Huang jin gui,Hairy crab,Long jung tea,Tea beverage http://www.chinese-teas.com, http://www.chinese-teas.com.cn, info@chinese-teas.com sales@chinese-teas.com http://www.chinese-teas.com/HotProduct.a... http://www.chinese-teas.com , http://www.chinese-teas.com/ProductList.... http://www.chinese-teas.com/NewProduct.a... http://www.c
Where can i buy best chinese teas?
Reply:If you go to google.com and enter oolong tea, you will get several sites to order by mail. This is just one.
Reply:black forest tea.com
Reply:Forget about the rest just go to your local asian grocery store they have the most variety and the cheapest.
Reply:You can buy at any Chinese drug stores. It would be better if there is a Chinese physician operating because he can give you the best advice regarding the best Chinese tea.
Where can i buy best chinese teas?
Reply:If you go to google.com and enter oolong tea, you will get several sites to order by mail. This is just one.
Reply:black forest tea.com
Reply:Forget about the rest just go to your local asian grocery store they have the most variety and the cheapest.
Reply:You can buy at any Chinese drug stores. It would be better if there is a Chinese physician operating because he can give you the best advice regarding the best Chinese tea.
Help With Program looking?
I need a Program that will Run on 1 or 2 networked computers or just one PC... and it can be Java,C++,VBS based doesn't matter but it has to be able to withold Information Exe's PDF's and to only beable to logon to the program through a password and ID..
And also beable to me Admined and ID's And PW's Created For it.... And to beable to have information on the App.. Like a Mini Gui.. Inside a Gui.. Know of any such program Other than Blackbox.exe? i need it to have a password particularly like a small Network Program..
Help With Program looking?
And also beable to me Admined and ID's And PW's Created For it.... And to beable to have information on the App.. Like a Mini Gui.. Inside a Gui.. Know of any such program Other than Blackbox.exe? i need it to have a password particularly like a small Network Program..
Help With Program looking?
PC KOTOR Game, I need advice on what I need to do to have the Game Play on my computer?
Hi, I bought the "star wars: knights of the old republic" game for my PC. I downloaded it (the four discs that it comes with), and at the end , it gave me a report that showed why the game will not play on my computer. I need to know, what I need to do to have my PC play the game, here is the info from the report: [SWKotOR]
ReportDateTime=5/22/2007 8:15:03 PM
GameInstallLocation=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\
Version=Windows 2000 v5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4
Service Pack=Service Pack 4
CPUName=Intel Pentium IIIXC 996MHz
[Disk Free Space]
Drives=SONY CDU5211
Video Card Name=Intel(r) 82815 Graphics Controller
Video Memory=64
Desktop Resolution=800x600x16 @ 60Hz
DirectX=DirectX (9.0+) (
OpenGL Version=1.1.1 - Build
OpenGL Vendor=Intel
OpenGL Renderer=Intel Solano
Vid Card Status=Fail
GL Status=Fail
DX Status=Pass
Sound Card Name=ESS Allegro PCI Audio (WDM)
;Game Options from swkotor.ini
[Sound Options]
Music Volume=85
Voiceover Volume=85
Sound Effects Volume=85
Movie Volume=100
Force Software=0
Disable Sound=0
Number 3D Voices=16
Number 2D Voices=24
Environment Effects Level=0.60
2D3D Bias=1.50
Environment Effects=1
[Game Options]
Hide InGame GUI=0
Use Small Fonts=0
Keyboard Camera Deceleration=2000.000000
Keyboard Camera Acceleration=500.000000
Keyboard Camera DPS=200.000000
Hide Unequippable=0
Tutorial Popups=1
Mini Map=1
Floating Numbers=1
Status Summary=1
Enable Mouse Teleporting To Buttons=1
Mouse Sensitivity=33
Auto Level Up NPCs=0
Mouse Look=0
Reverse Minigame YAxis=0
Combat Movement=1
Enable Tooltips=1
Difficulty Level=1
TooltipDelay Sec=1.000000
Memory Access=1
Memory Level=1
[Movies Shown]
Movie 0=0
Movie 1=0
Movie 2=0
Movie 3=0
Movie 4=0
Movie 5=0
Movie 6=0
Movie 7=0
Movie 8=0
Movie 9=0
[Graphics Options]
Frame Buffer=1
Anti Aliasing=0
Texture Quality=2
Soft Shadows=0
[Autopause Options]
Mine Sighted=1
End Of Combat Round=0
Enemy Sighted=1
Party Killed=1
Action Menu=0
New Target Selected=1
PC KOTOR Game, I need advice on what I need to do to have the Game Play on my computer?
Without reading that long list completely, I noticed you never once mentioned the requirements the game needs to run. Try reading the box and be sure you have enough CPU speed and enough RAM. Your system clearly says FAIL in CPU speed and you are clearly WARNED about your RAM as it shows only 255 MB of RAM.
ADVICE: before buying another game, be sure your comp can run it. You only have an Intel CPU at 996 Megahertz.
Summary: get another comp or upgrade what you have, my recommendation is to get the fastest CPU, the most RAM you can get, the best video and sound card you can afford, the biggest Hard Drive, the best DVD burner, etc, etc.
Just think, you won't have to write these questions as they wwill magically disappear with good equipment. Don't expect a beat up old machine to run like a racing car ;-).
Reply:Did anyone actually read his results? He is running onboard Intel 915 graphics. The graphics requirements are not being met. Memory is also too low. He has 256k, needs 512.
You actually need to step into a more game oriented computer.
Check www.hardocp.com or www. anandtech.com for info.
Reply:update your version of the game, then get a new video driver (not a new card, but a program for it [i suggest nvida]), second you need to upgrade your CPU, this can be done by going to just about any computer dealers, they will most likely have a new or used CPU chip you can use. third, turn all the graphics down low, until it can function well. defragment you computer, always do this after intalling any new piece of information on you computer.
hey i thought of something! you might wanna know the cheats for the game!!!
go to: http://www.gamewinners.com/
good site!
Reply:You might need to check this site, http://www.bioware.com/games/knights_old...
I don't think your PC meets the minimum requirements
ReportDateTime=5/22/2007 8:15:03 PM
GameInstallLocation=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\
Version=Windows 2000 v5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 4
Service Pack=Service Pack 4
CPUName=Intel Pentium IIIXC 996MHz
[Disk Free Space]
Drives=SONY CDU5211
Video Card Name=Intel(r) 82815 Graphics Controller
Video Memory=64
Desktop Resolution=800x600x16 @ 60Hz
DirectX=DirectX (9.0+) (
OpenGL Version=1.1.1 - Build
OpenGL Vendor=Intel
OpenGL Renderer=Intel Solano
Vid Card Status=Fail
GL Status=Fail
DX Status=Pass
Sound Card Name=ESS Allegro PCI Audio (WDM)
;Game Options from swkotor.ini
[Sound Options]
Music Volume=85
Voiceover Volume=85
Sound Effects Volume=85
Movie Volume=100
Force Software=0
Disable Sound=0
Number 3D Voices=16
Number 2D Voices=24
Environment Effects Level=0.60
2D3D Bias=1.50
Environment Effects=1
[Game Options]
Hide InGame GUI=0
Use Small Fonts=0
Keyboard Camera Deceleration=2000.000000
Keyboard Camera Acceleration=500.000000
Keyboard Camera DPS=200.000000
Hide Unequippable=0
Tutorial Popups=1
Mini Map=1
Floating Numbers=1
Status Summary=1
Enable Mouse Teleporting To Buttons=1
Mouse Sensitivity=33
Auto Level Up NPCs=0
Mouse Look=0
Reverse Minigame YAxis=0
Combat Movement=1
Enable Tooltips=1
Difficulty Level=1
TooltipDelay Sec=1.000000
Memory Access=1
Memory Level=1
[Movies Shown]
Movie 0=0
Movie 1=0
Movie 2=0
Movie 3=0
Movie 4=0
Movie 5=0
Movie 6=0
Movie 7=0
Movie 8=0
Movie 9=0
[Graphics Options]
Frame Buffer=1
Anti Aliasing=0
Texture Quality=2
Soft Shadows=0
[Autopause Options]
Mine Sighted=1
End Of Combat Round=0
Enemy Sighted=1
Party Killed=1
Action Menu=0
New Target Selected=1
PC KOTOR Game, I need advice on what I need to do to have the Game Play on my computer?
Without reading that long list completely, I noticed you never once mentioned the requirements the game needs to run. Try reading the box and be sure you have enough CPU speed and enough RAM. Your system clearly says FAIL in CPU speed and you are clearly WARNED about your RAM as it shows only 255 MB of RAM.
ADVICE: before buying another game, be sure your comp can run it. You only have an Intel CPU at 996 Megahertz.
Summary: get another comp or upgrade what you have, my recommendation is to get the fastest CPU, the most RAM you can get, the best video and sound card you can afford, the biggest Hard Drive, the best DVD burner, etc, etc.
Just think, you won't have to write these questions as they wwill magically disappear with good equipment. Don't expect a beat up old machine to run like a racing car ;-).
Reply:Did anyone actually read his results? He is running onboard Intel 915 graphics. The graphics requirements are not being met. Memory is also too low. He has 256k, needs 512.
You actually need to step into a more game oriented computer.
Check www.hardocp.com or www. anandtech.com for info.
Reply:update your version of the game, then get a new video driver (not a new card, but a program for it [i suggest nvida]), second you need to upgrade your CPU, this can be done by going to just about any computer dealers, they will most likely have a new or used CPU chip you can use. third, turn all the graphics down low, until it can function well. defragment you computer, always do this after intalling any new piece of information on you computer.
hey i thought of something! you might wanna know the cheats for the game!!!
go to: http://www.gamewinners.com/
good site!
Reply:You might need to check this site, http://www.bioware.com/games/knights_old...
I don't think your PC meets the minimum requirements
Problems reformatting my Windows XP machine?
I'm trying to reformat my Windows XP machine. I'm having some problems tho, so I will walk you through what has been done so far...
Upon inserting the CD and going through the GUI setup where i enter my cd key it asks me to restart. Then it asks whether Id like to load Windows XP Home or Windows XP Home Setup. I chose setup. Now it loads the blue XP setup screen as normal. Then i get to the point where it asks what to do with my C drive... I press "D" to delete it and start it fresh. But instead, it wont let me, I get this message:
"Setup is unable to perform the requested operation on the selected partition. This partition contains temporary setup files that are required to complete the installation".
So I cant format my drive to install a fresh copy of windows? What am I supposed to do in order to get my C drive whiped out so I can do a fresh install of XP? XP setup leaves me w/ only the option of installing a 2nd copy of XP on the C drive. Any help would be much appreciated.
Problems reformatting my Windows XP machine?
Use a linux live cd to reforamat then reinstall windoze
Reply:What is on the 'C' drive? Another installation of XP or is it blank?
I am guessing you have a SATA drive and the "D" drive you are referring to is your CD/DVD drive and naturally you can't install it there and XP installation is not even able to see the SATA drive since no drivers were installed.
What you need to do is right when the setup process begins, at the very bottom of the screen, it tells you that you have to press F6 to install 3rd party drivers which is what you to do to be able to install the required SATA drivers since SATA is treated much like SCSI and without installing the XP drivers from a Floppy Disk you will run into the problem you mentioned.
If I misunderstood then please clarify what it is that you were trying to do.
Reply:what you should do is delete the partitions windos xp will make a bran new partition and do a format of the drive, I reccomend a full format.
i reccomend that as soon as you power on the pc put the windows cd in the drive and when it asks you to press a key to boot from cd do that then windows will start the install processes.
Reply:Hey pal i also have been through this
the problem is dat you are installing windows from your current windows it copies some files onto your c drive which it will use later when you try to format in the dos(blue screen) setup will obviously give the error because it needs that files
the solution is
Try installing from dos
insert your cd Restart Boot it from cd rom and press any key when asked and follow on the instruction
Upon inserting the CD and going through the GUI setup where i enter my cd key it asks me to restart. Then it asks whether Id like to load Windows XP Home or Windows XP Home Setup. I chose setup. Now it loads the blue XP setup screen as normal. Then i get to the point where it asks what to do with my C drive... I press "D" to delete it and start it fresh. But instead, it wont let me, I get this message:
"Setup is unable to perform the requested operation on the selected partition. This partition contains temporary setup files that are required to complete the installation".
So I cant format my drive to install a fresh copy of windows? What am I supposed to do in order to get my C drive whiped out so I can do a fresh install of XP? XP setup leaves me w/ only the option of installing a 2nd copy of XP on the C drive. Any help would be much appreciated.
Problems reformatting my Windows XP machine?
Use a linux live cd to reforamat then reinstall windoze
Reply:What is on the 'C' drive? Another installation of XP or is it blank?
I am guessing you have a SATA drive and the "D" drive you are referring to is your CD/DVD drive and naturally you can't install it there and XP installation is not even able to see the SATA drive since no drivers were installed.
What you need to do is right when the setup process begins, at the very bottom of the screen, it tells you that you have to press F6 to install 3rd party drivers which is what you to do to be able to install the required SATA drivers since SATA is treated much like SCSI and without installing the XP drivers from a Floppy Disk you will run into the problem you mentioned.
If I misunderstood then please clarify what it is that you were trying to do.
Reply:what you should do is delete the partitions windos xp will make a bran new partition and do a format of the drive, I reccomend a full format.
i reccomend that as soon as you power on the pc put the windows cd in the drive and when it asks you to press a key to boot from cd do that then windows will start the install processes.
Reply:Hey pal i also have been through this
the problem is dat you are installing windows from your current windows it copies some files onto your c drive which it will use later when you try to format in the dos(blue screen) setup will obviously give the error because it needs that files
the solution is
Try installing from dos
insert your cd Restart Boot it from cd rom and press any key when asked and follow on the instruction
Cannot access floppy or DVD-ROM from Command Prompt?
Hi, Please help.
I can access both floppy drive and DVD drive from Windows XP Pro GUI. However when I open command prompt and type "cd a:\" or "cd d:\" (or "cd a:" or "cd d:" (d: is my DVD drive letter)), the system types (outputs) "D:\" or "A:\" but the prompt remains as before (last line is still "C:\%26gt;"). No error messages. Thus cannot access my floppy or DVD files from command prompt.
I tried typing "cmd /K d:\" into Run utility and opened new command prompt shows DVD well but again, cannot switch to a: or c:
Have some of you resolved similar problem? Thank you in advance.
PS: if it can help, my system and boot partitions are different and I created boot partition already after Windows installation (new active partition K:) and copied the content of the C: drive (files only (like config.sys etc)) to a new active K: partition. Not sure if it can cause the problem.
Cannot access floppy or DVD-ROM from Command Prompt?
Leave off the cd when changing drives ,it is just for directories.
go to command prompt and type a: and then enter.
Reply:go to my computer and do everything from there
I can access both floppy drive and DVD drive from Windows XP Pro GUI. However when I open command prompt and type "cd a:\" or "cd d:\" (or "cd a:" or "cd d:" (d: is my DVD drive letter)), the system types (outputs) "D:\" or "A:\" but the prompt remains as before (last line is still "C:\%26gt;"). No error messages. Thus cannot access my floppy or DVD files from command prompt.
I tried typing "cmd /K d:\" into Run utility and opened new command prompt shows DVD well but again, cannot switch to a: or c:
Have some of you resolved similar problem? Thank you in advance.
PS: if it can help, my system and boot partitions are different and I created boot partition already after Windows installation (new active partition K:) and copied the content of the C: drive (files only (like config.sys etc)) to a new active K: partition. Not sure if it can cause the problem.
Cannot access floppy or DVD-ROM from Command Prompt?
Leave off the cd when changing drives ,it is just for directories.
go to command prompt and type a: and then enter.
Reply:go to my computer and do everything from there
Build your own OS in under 3 Hours, Using no code!?
My name is George Maier, im building a peice of software that allows you to Create your own OS: It is as easy or as hard as you want, at the easy end: Just run through a quick wizzard, At the hard end: Run through the wizard, then u can use the stunning visual enviroment of the software to edit the code, and even write in languages like VB, C# and J# for upper code in the OS (these would be tranclated into c++ by the program before being compiled) The OS that you build would have a GUI!!!
Are you intrested in this software?
How much would you be willing to pay?
Build your own OS in under 3 Hours, Using no code!?
Don't know how much I would pay to be honest, sounds like a fun piece of software but I would prob only use it if were freeware. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but the truth is I wouldn't buy an OS until I know it worked well.
Good luck with this venture I have never heard of anything like this before. It sounds great!!!
Reply:sounds like a great idea ... im guessing ur using something like the linux os ...
but one problem also the linux os is for free and u can code it anyway u like and build ur own os for free its advance but now some linux os's got softwares that u can create ur os for free and easily than following codes ...
Reply:What would the OS you would be able to create be based on? Linux? I might've guessed.
And, you know, there are programs, like Reconstructor, that do that and are free, so I'm not entirely sure people really want to pay for that sort of software, sorry... :(
Reply:cant you think about others things than money
My name is George Maier, im building a peice of software that allows you to Create your own OS: It is as easy or as hard as you want, at the easy end: Just run through a quick wizzard, At the hard end: Run through the wizard, then u can use the stunning visual enviroment of the software to edit the code, and even write in languages like VB, C# and J# for upper code in the OS (these would be tranclated into c++ by the program before being compiled) The OS that you build would have a GUI!!!
Are you intrested in this software?
How much would you be willing to pay?
Build your own OS in under 3 Hours, Using no code!?
Don't know how much I would pay to be honest, sounds like a fun piece of software but I would prob only use it if were freeware. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but the truth is I wouldn't buy an OS until I know it worked well.
Good luck with this venture I have never heard of anything like this before. It sounds great!!!
Reply:sounds like a great idea ... im guessing ur using something like the linux os ...
but one problem also the linux os is for free and u can code it anyway u like and build ur own os for free its advance but now some linux os's got softwares that u can create ur os for free and easily than following codes ...
Reply:What would the OS you would be able to create be based on? Linux? I might've guessed.
And, you know, there are programs, like Reconstructor, that do that and are free, so I'm not entirely sure people really want to pay for that sort of software, sorry... :(
Reply:cant you think about others things than money
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